The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Vote for 2019-2020 Zoology Student Board
There will be four senior representatives, two junior representatives, and two sophomore representatives elected. Voting closes April 26th, and candidates will be notified April 28th. The decision will be publicly announced at the Zoology Department Picnic on April 30th at…
Today is the Last Day to Buy Black World Studies T-Shirts!
Show your support for the Black World Studies department by buying a T-shirt! The link to purchase them can be found here: Short-sleeved T-shirts are $12, Long- sleeved are $15, and Crewneck sweaters are $25. Today is your last chance to…
OWU Campus Store End-of-Semester Sale!
OWU Campus Store End of Semester Sale Fri., April 26, through Wed., May 8. 10% off all OWU branded Apparel and items. Clearance at $5.00. Up to 50% off on other items as marked. If you’ve been holding out on…
April 30 – Join the Conversation about the Diversity Credit!
Since April 1, SIAC of WCSA has posted flyers all around campus showing feedback received for the Diversity Credit Survey. We want to continue to hear your thoughts so we are holding a Talk Back session April 30th from 4-5pm…
Health Tip of the Week – Prepare for Summer Travel!
It’s almost summer! Time for a break from classes and exams, time for sun, maybe even time for some international travel! Here are some quick tips to prepare yourself for an adventure abroad. 1.) Make sure you have all necessary…
Black World Studies Department T-Shirts for Sale!
Show your support for the Black World Studies department by buying a T-shirt! The link to purchase them can be found here: Short- sleeved T-shirts are $12, Long- sleeved are $15, and Crewneck sweaters are $25. The last day to…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Attention Student Organization – Complete BMS Training by Nov. 13
Attention student organizations! In order to stay in Good Standing with the Student Involvement Office and request a spring 2021 budget, all treasurers (or a representative from your organization) must complete the Budget System Management System (BMS) Training AND assessment…
Residential Life Office is seeking an Office Assistant for the Spring 2021 Semester
The Office Assistant position provides an opportunity for students to assist the professional staff with everyday administrative responsibilities in the Office of Residential Life. The Office Assistant works in the Residential Life Office, 225 Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, for 10-15 hours…
You Can Still Get A FREE Flu Shot, Bishops!
As peak flu season approaches, don’t miss your chance to get a FREE flu shot at The Student Health Center. To schedule an appointment for a flu shot, call (740) 368-3160 during our regular hours, Monday through Thursday between 8am…
Alumni Partners Program
The Alumni Relations Office is introducing our Alumni Partner Program. This program encourages our alums and students to connect to learn more about the careers students can go into. This week we are highlighting our alum, Bill McDonough ’74. Mr.…
TODAY – Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU Students
Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU Students every Tuesday during lunch time from 12:10- 12:50 pm virtually through zoom. Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma. Come destress for…
Nov 12 – Frederick Douglass Scholarship for Study Abroad Session
Ready to change the world? Apply for the Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship, a full scholarship to study abroad with a cohort of student leaders from around the country. The Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship was founded to empower students of color…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
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