The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Submit a Student Event for Homecoming 2019
For Homecoming 2019, we hope to create a memorable student experience by providing events, programs and activities for students! We are in the process of crafting a week of events during Homecoming Week, October 14-19, and we need your help!…
Sept. 17 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council Open Meeting!
This coming Tuesday (Sept. 17), the DEI Council will be holding a meeting from 12:10-1 p.m. in the Bayley Room of Beeghly Library. This meeting is open to anyone in the Ohio Wesleyan community who wishes to attend. Agenda items…
Oct. 1 @ 7:30 p.m. – 2019 Robert L. Milligan Leaders in Business Lecture
David Kaufman is the CEO of Encova Insurance, formerly Motorists Insurance Group and BrickStreet Insurance, a super-regional carrier ranked in the top 20 mutual insurance companies in the United States. He is going to discuss “Integrated Leadership” at Ohio Wesleyan…
TONIGHT @ 7:30 p.m. – Anchor Bowl!
Come and enjoy a night out under the lights with the women of Delta Gamma! Tomorrow, Sept. 13, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. is Delta Gamma’s annual Anchor Bowl! The game will take place at Selby Field. Come help us raise money…
Nominate a Deserving Individual for a You Are OWU Award
The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader for others. Click here to nominate today: The selection committee prefers to recognize specific…
TODAY @ 7:30 p.m. – Mock Convention Debate Watching Party!
Mock Convention 2020 is hosting a debate watching party for the Democrat party debate today, Sept. 12. The watch party starts at 7:30pm in Crider Lounge at HWCC, the debate will start at 8 p.m. Come learn about mock convention, political…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
TODAY – Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU Students
Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU Students every Tuesday during lunch time from 12:10- 12:50 pm virtually through zoom. Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma. Come destress for…
Dec. 3 – Summer on the Cuyahoga Info Session
Join us on Thursday, Dec. 3 from 4:30-5pm to learn about the paid summer internships available through the Summer on the Cuyahoga (SOTC) program. SOTC is an opportunity for students to get exposure in the professional world and develop their…
Register Now for a Virtual Resident Assistant/Moderator Information Session!
Are you are interested in being a Resident Assistant or Moderator but have questions and want more information before applying? The Residential Life Office will be hosting virtual Information sessions. Sessions will be held over Zoom on the following dates…
$1000 Cash Prize Available
The Department of Economics and Business is now accepting applications for the Burton Morgan Entrepreneurship Student Paper Competition Award. The competition is open to all junior or senior students at OWU and is designed to encourage student research in entrepreneurship…
Are you looking for more ways to be involved during college? Do you have an interest in philanthropy and leadership? Do you want to make an impact on Ohio Wesleyan’s campus? Consider joining a sorority! Fully structured recruitment registration is…
Nov. 30 @ 5 pm – WCSA Town Hall w/ Public Safety
Join WCSA for its weekly Senate meeting () and check out the WCSA webpage for other info () OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: WCSA.
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
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