The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
TODAY @ NOON – Pizza Lunch! SNC Presents OWU@OWU
Come join OWU alumni who work at OWU as they reflect on their careers, their time at OWU, and what it has meant to them to be a member of this community in multiple ways. This event will take place…
Nov. 2 – CPB Presents A Cappellooza!
Come out and join CPB on November 2 for A Cappellooza where six a cappella groups from OWU and surrounding colleges come and show off their talents. Then the band, Ember, will come and perform. Free food will be provided!…
TOMORROW @ 8 p.m. – The Department of Music Presents STREET SCENES
Join the Ohio Wesleyan Department of Music for STREET SCENES, an evening of scenes from Kurt Weill’s STREET SCENE and Stephen Sondheim’s SWEENEY TODD. Excerpts from Weill’s thoughtful, jazz and blues-influenced masterpiece portray immigrant life in Manhattan during the 1940s,…
Nov. 5 @ NOON – Special Science Lecture Series featuring Dr. Meredith Palmer
Please join us Tuesday, November 5, at noon in SCSC 163 for a special Science Lecture Series Seminar from OWU Alumna, Dr. Meredith Palmer. Dr. Palmer graduated from OWU in 2011 and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University.…
TOMORROW @ 8 p.m. – Opera Scenes
Come join us tomorrow, Nov. 1, at 8 p.m. in Jemison Auditorium for a FREE evening of music as OWU Music performs selections from “Street Scene” and “Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street”. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Music…
TODAY @ NOON – Learn About Climate Advocacy!
Please come to the talk today, October 30, from 12-1 p.m. in the GIS Lab (Science Center Room 207), if you are interested in learning more about legislative political action, climate advocacy, and citizen lobbying from the Field Development Director…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Bishops in the City – Washington, D.C., Episode
The Alumni Relations & Career Connection offices invite all students to register for this intriguing event. Alumni Anna Cooper ’13, Director of Data & Information Systems at Communications Workers of America; Katie Nunner ’16, Senior Consultant at Crowell & Moring…
Reduced Price STD Testing for OWU Students
OWU students can get lower priced STD testing at the Student Health Center! Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing is $12.50 per urine test and syphilis testing is $5.00 per blood test. Call 740-368-3160 to schedule an appointment to get tested. The…
Help OWU Improve Student Mental Health Services, Take Confidential Survey Starting March 1
Please help Ohio Wesleyan better understand student mental health concerns and priorities by taking a confidential survey being conducted by the University of Michigan’s Healthy Minds Network. You should receive an email March 1 from with a link to…
⏳ Last week for submissions to the OWL!
Submit to the OWL! Literary Editing is a course at OWU that offers students the opportunity to publish student works in OWU’s very own literary magazine. As such, student editors will be selecting submissions, both literary and visual to publish.…
Upcoming SLUSH
We are excited to announce the start of SLUSH this year! Our SLU’s will be dropping some great content to help you see what life would be like if you join one of our SLU’s. Keep an eye out this…
Senior Class Seal Competition
The Senior Advisory Board needs your help in designing the class seal. We would prefer if a senior is the one designing it, but all are welcome to submit designs. The winner will have their design displayed on senior merch.…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
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