The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 29 @ 6 p.m. – Take Back the Night March

The Bishop Way and SAGE are co-hosting a local version of the national Take Back the Night March! Take Back the Night is an event centered on the mission of ending sexual, romantic, and domestic violence. On Tuesday, October 29,…

TODAY @ 4:10 p.m. – Science Lecture Series: Dr. Dustin Reichard!

Come to the Science Lecture Series today, October 24,  at 4:10 p.m. in Science Center 163. The lecture will feature Dr. Dustin Reichard, (OWU Department of Zoology) speaking on Evolutionary Responses to Human-Induced Environmental Change: Insights from a Recent Urban Colonist.…

TOMORROW – Wear Purple for DV Awareness

Tomorrow, Oct. 25, wear Purple to honor the 34,560 people that experience violence by an intimate partner in one day. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Bishop Way. Contact: Jess Ettell Irvine at

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Early Housing Application Due Friday

A reminder to all students – If you plan to live in Panhel House, House of Black Culture, Bigelow Reed House, or Honors House in the fall of 2021, the Early Application for housing is due on Friday, Feb. 12.…

The Merrick Mentors Are Back!

The Merrick Mentors are available again to help students with all their OWU Connection questions! We have slightly unique hours this semester and want to make it easy and convenient for students to schedule meetings and drop by. If you’d…

Empower OWU – Sexual Assault Support Group

Empower OWU provides a space for women/womxn to heal and be supported through community and conversation. Through professional guidance, we will help each woman/womxn come to a place of acceptance, restoration, and reconciliation with their experience. We strive to create…

SCUBA diving at OWU

If you are like me, then your bucket list has included scuba diving at some point. Do you want to be able to try it at OWU on a student budget? Whether you are an aspiring marine biologist or an…

Deadline for Applications to New York Arts Program: Monday, Feb. 15

The New York Arts Program is one of Ohio Wesleyan’s strongest OWU Connection opportunities for early career artists, actors, designers, and communications professionals. Spending a semester in New York City can help you build the experience, network, and creative community…

LAST Day to Sign up for Sorority Recruitment!

Looking to get more involved on campus? Want more opportunities to enhance your leadership and service opportunities? Consider signing up for Primary Recruitment! Primary Recruitment is happening from Feb. 19-21 on Zoom this year! Link: OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Panhellenic Council…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

University Classifieds

Questions? Contact us at