The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Dec. 5 – BCI/FBI Background Processing on Campus
Biometric Information Management will be on campus Thursday, December 5, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Phillips Hall 211 to process BCI/FBI background reports. If you need this service, bring your driver’s license, social security number, and cash…
Want Something Free? Come by the SIO on December 3!
It’s that time of the semester! People have lost a lot of things over the course of Fall 2019. Before we give it away for donation, try to grab something beforehand! Please come by the Student Involvement Office in Hamilton-Williams…
Thanksgiving Break Hours for the OWU Libraries
Thanksgiving break hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed on the libraries’ website at Any changes to our hours will also be found on our website. Please note that during the break Beeghly is officially closed, the 24/7 Bashford…
Dec. 3 @ 4:10 p.m. – Building a More Inclusive Campus Community Panel
The First Year UC 160 class with the theme Social Justice: LGBTQ+ issues is hosting a panel and discussion session on Tuesday, December 3, at 4:10 p.m. in the Bayley Room. The hope is to continue the recent conversation on…
Science Center Cafe will Temporarily Close after Thanksgiving
Due to some facility upgrades, the Science Center Cafe will close after Thanksgiving until the start of the spring semester. All other food venues will remain open through the end of the fall semester. ____________________________________________ Dwayne K. Todd, Ph.D. Vice…
Athletic/Fitness Facilities Operating Hours During Thanksgiving Break
Starting Saturday, November 23, the following will be hours of operation for listed athletic/fitness venues during Thanksgiving Break. Regular operating hours will resume on Monday, December 2. Visit for the complete schedule and updates. *OWU ID required for entry* Edwards Gym/Branch…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Prism T-Shirts
Want to support Prism – OWU’s LGBTQ+ Organization on campus? Buy a Prism T-shirt and feel free to encourage friends and family to buy these as well! T-shirts will be on sale until March 20. Please fill out this form…
Healthy Tip of the Week: Mask Wearing and Allergies
Whether the date reflects it or not, it’s spring time, Bishops! For some of us that means, fun in the sun, but for some of us, it means allergies. Did you know that wearing your mask correctly can actually help…
DEADLINE SUNDAY – Mortar Board Applications
Are you a junior, junior by credit, or senior that is highly involved on campus, has a strong passion for academics, and loves giving back to your community? Then Mortar Board might be the place for you! Mortar Board is…
Job Opening
Technical Assistants in the Department of Theatre and Dance. Flexible schedule between 2 to 6 Monday through Friday. Work consists of production work for shows that are being produced within the department. Currently looking for students with Federal Work Study.…
Join Our Book Club!
Love to read? Join our book club! This partnership between PRISM (OWU’s LGBTQ+ organization) and the Campus Programming Board will encourage students, faculty, and staff of all identities to consume LGBTQ+ media. For this month we will be reading The…
Laureate 🏆 Award – NOW OPEN
ATTN: ENG 105 students! Check out the submission guideline information for The Laureate Award for Expository Writing in ENG 105 at Or our poster is at: DO NOT hesitate to get your entry in right away! Deadline is Friday, April 30. OWU Sponsoring…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
Questions? Contact us at