The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Feb. 13-16 – OWU Theatre & Dance Dept. presents ‘Eurydice’ by Sarah Ruhl
Bring a date this Valentine’s Day weekend and see “Eurydice,” a retelling of the classic Greek myth by Sarah Ruhl. Performances are Feb. 13, 14, and 15 at 8 p.m. and Feb. 16 at 2 p.m. in the Chappelear Drama…
Feb. 13 – Opening Host Concert: OWU High School Honor Band Festival
Featuring the OWU Symphonic Wind Ensemble and the Delaware Hayes HS Wind Ensemble, this concert launches an exciting three-day event: the OWU High School Band Festival! Works to include “Candide Overture” (Bernstein), “Amparita Roca” (Texidor), “Variations on a Korean Folk…
Feb. 15 – Festival Finale Concert: OWU High School Honor Band Festival
The Festival Finale Concert presents two excellent ensembles consisting of students from 23 schools across Ohio: the 9-10 Honor Band (Dr. Ishbah Cox, conductor) and the 11-12 Honor Band (Dr. Elizabeth Peterson, conductor). Students have been practicing on their own…
Women’s History Month – Call for Events and Programs
This year the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and the Student Involvement Office are coordinating a calendar of events to celebrate Women’s History Month (WHM). The WHM calendar will include any event related to the history, contributions, or experiences of…
Feb. 13 – Science Lecture Series: Darwin Day Social on Thursday
This Thursday, the Science Lecture Series will celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday. Come for free cupcakes and photos with Darwin. All are welcome on Thursday, February 13th, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in SCSC Atrium. Additional details can be found at OWU…
Feb. 18 – Special Collections Open House for Black History Month
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Noon – 5 pm Beeghly Library (2nd Floor, Reading Room) Stop by the OWU Libraries’ Special Collections and see objects related to the experiences and achievements of Ohio Wesleyan’s Black students and alumni. In recognition of…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Looking for an On-Campus Job?
New positions just added! This year, all open positions for on-campus student employment will be posted through Career Connection’s Handshake Portal: Once you have logged in to Handshake, please click on Jobs > On Campus. This will bring up all…
April 16 – Bonfire Bash!
On April 16, Res Life and CPB invite you to Stuyvesant Hall Patio and Courtyard for Bonfire Bash! The event will take place between 7pm-9pm and will include student performances, a Kona Ice truck, lawn games, marshmallows to roast over…
Seniors! FREE LinkedIn Headshots THIS Friday!
Attention Seniors! Don’t forget to mark your calendars for a FREE professional headshot THIS Friday in Slocum Hall from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. (Dress is professional attire.) Check out @owucareers on Instagram for updates about current LinkedIn information and other…
April 14 – SLAM trip to the CMA
SLAM (the Student Led Arts Movement) is taking a trip to the Cleveland Museum of Art! We have limited seating remaining, but non-club members are welcome. Email if interested! We will be leaving from in front of Hayes Hall on Wednesday…
April 30 – Accounting Fellows Application Extension
Applications for the Accounting Fellows Program are now extended through Friday, April 30. The Accounting Fellows Program will allow a select group of students to combine classroom knowledge with real-world accounting research and application. Students will benefit from this program…
Voting Closes Friday for Fall’s i³ Lecturers. Vote Now!
With OWU optimism, we are planning to bring back i³ in all its in-person glory in September 2021. Now you can select the faculty you want to see deliver a great lecture with ideas, insight, and imagination in only three…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
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