The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Black History Month – Call for Events and Programs

This year the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and the Student Involvement Office are coordinating a calendar of events to celebrate Black History Month (BHM) in February. The BHM calendar will include any event related to the history, lives, or…

Jan. 23 – Rock Your LinkedIn Profile with Jimmy Sanzone’16

LinkedIn is THE tool used by recruiters to identify job candidates. Do you have one? Is it competitive and updated?? Is your LinkedIn photo professional?? To get ahead of the crowd, join Career Connection for our annual “Rock your LinkedIn…

Jan. 23 – Rock Your LinkedIn Profile with Jimmy Sanzone’16

LinkedIn is THE tool used by recruiters to identify job candidates. Do you have one? Is it competitive and updated?? Is your LinkedIn photo professional?? To get ahead of the crowd, join Career Connection for our annual “Rock your LinkedIn…

Jan. 22 @ 4:15 – Global Scholars Reception and Special Announcement

Please join President Rock Jones at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, at the Ross Art Museum for a reception and special announcement regarding the Global Scholars Program. All are welcome to attend! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: University Advancement. Contact: Maureen Reese…

Lost and Found at Merrick Mentor Desk

Welcome back to campus! If you left something at the OWU Connection office in Merrick last semester, please come check our lost and found, located at the Merrick Mentor desk! We will be donating the remaining items on Jan. 24!…

Learn Jiujitsu, Karate/TKD, Kickboxing and Self-Defense

Okinawa Karate/TKD PE301 is one of the greatest self-defense systems ever created. Activity courses are offered through OWU for beginners to advanced students. You will learn the complete system created by the oldest living people on earth, taught in a…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Prism T-Shirts

Want to support Prism – OWU’s LGBTQ+ Organization on campus? Buy a Prism T-shirt and feel free to encourage friends and family to buy these as well! T-shirts will be on sale until March 20. Please fill out this form…

Healthy Tip of the Week: Mask Wearing and Allergies

Whether the date reflects it or not, it’s spring time, Bishops! For some of us that means, fun in the sun, but for some of us, it means allergies. Did you know that wearing your mask correctly can actually help…

DEADLINE SUNDAY – Mortar Board Applications

Are you a junior, junior by credit, or senior that is highly involved on campus, has a strong passion for academics, and loves giving back to your community? Then Mortar Board might be the place for you! Mortar Board is…

Job Opening

Technical Assistants in the Department of Theatre and Dance. Flexible schedule between 2 to 6 Monday through Friday. Work consists of production work for shows that are being produced within the department. Currently looking for students with Federal Work Study.…

Join Our Book Club!

Love to read? Join our book club! This partnership between PRISM (OWU’s LGBTQ+ organization) and the Campus Programming Board will encourage students, faculty, and staff of all identities to consume LGBTQ+ media. For this month we will be reading The…

Laureate 🏆 Award – NOW OPEN

ATTN:  ENG 105 students! Check out the  submission guideline information for The Laureate  Award for Expository Writing in ENG 105 at  Or our poster is at:  DO NOT hesitate to get your entry in right away! Deadline is Friday, April 30. OWU Sponsoring…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

University Classifieds

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