The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Feb. 5 – Molly McCully Brown, Essayist and Poet, Reading

Molly McCully Brown Wednesday, February 5th from 4:10-5:10 pm in the Bayley Room Molly McCully Brown is the author of the forthcoming essay collection Places I’ve Taken My Body (Persea Books, 2020) and co-author of the forthcoming poetry collection with…

Wesleyan in Washington Internships for Summer and Fall

Interested in government and policy-related internships for summer and fall, including Wesleyan in Washington and regional internships? Contact Michael Esler at OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Arneson Institute. Contact: Michael Esler at

Independence College Day at the Ohio Statehouse

OWU seeks students to represent our college at the annual Independent College Day at the Statehouse. Represent OWU in discussions about the problems facing colleges and universities and policies that can help solve them with state legislators and fellow students…

Feb. 8 – Lunar New Year at OWU

Come celebrate the Lunar New Year with us on 8th February! Get ready for an evening full of festivities celebrating the Chinese New Year with Asian themed food, music, dancing, board games and raffle gifts. Recommended dress code: red and…

Today @ noon – Sustainability Task Force meets

Want to know what’s happening to make OWU more environmentally sustainable? Come to Merrick 202 at the noon hour for the monthly meeting of the Sustainability Task Force, a collaboration between students, faculty, and staff who are passionate about making…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Join the Campus Programming Board!

The Ohio Wesleyan Campus Programming Board is a student organization that organizes and hosts fun, free, and entertaining events for OWU students and the community. Through coordinating and executing engaging events, CPB strives to enrich the social life at OWU!…

First Generation Investors Recruiting!

First Generation Investors was started this semester and we are currently interested in recruiting more tutors/members to the executive board! At FGI, we teach underserved high school students the powers of investing. We do this by teaching them concepts such…

First Generation Investors Job Opportunity

FGI is a Non profit organization that teaches underserved high schoolers the powers of investing. We are looking to grow exponentially and need your help to do so. We are currently looking to add a Vice President of Marketing, Social…

Prism Clothing Drive!

Prism, OWU’s LGBTQ+ organization on campus, is having a Clothing Drive for “Out of the Closet” Thrift Store in Columbus, Ohio. Just drop off clothing items in the donation boxes located around campus. Donation boxes are located at: Hamilton-Williams Atrium,…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

University Classifieds

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