The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Faculty Teaching and Scholarly Achievement Awards
The Faculty Personnel Committee is seeking suggestions for recipients of the University’s teaching and scholarly or artistic achievement awards listed below: Shankland Teaching Award Welch Teaching Award Welch Scholarship Award Please submit suggestions to the Provost’s Office at no later than…
Athletic/Fitness Facilities Closed Till Further Notice
All recreational facilities are closed indefinitely. This includes the Edwards Gymnasium, Simpson Querrey Fitness Center, Morrill Strength & Conditioning Room, Branch Rickey Arena, Gordon Field House, Welch Fitness Room, and Meek Aquatics and Recreation Center. Visit for updates. OWU…
Fire Alarm Inspections Set for March 9-13
The University will be conducting state-required fire alarm inspections and tests over spring break in many of our academic buildings. You are not required to evacuate during the tests. The work will take place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.…
Spring Break Hours for the OWU Libraries
Spring break hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed on the libraries’ website at Please note during Spring Break, for the hours Beeghly is officially closed, the Bashford Lounge will remain open to students by ID card swipe.…
Women’s History Month Event Calendar
This year the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and the Student Involvement Office have collaborated with campus partners to create an event calendar to celebrate Women’s History Month (WHM). The WHM calendar is hosted by student organizations, offices, and departments…
Athletic/Fitness Facilities Operating Hours | Spring Break
Starting Saturday, March 7th, the following will be the hours of operation for the listed athletic/fitness venues during spring break week through Sunday, March 15th. * OWU ID required for entry* Edwards Gym/Branch Rickey Saturday, Mar 7: CLOSED Sunday, Mar…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Fraternity & Sorority Life Strategic Planning Committee Town Hall Meeting
In 2019, Ohio Wesleyan conducted an external review of the fraternity & sorority life program. The review highlighted important priorities to help elevate this community and the experiences of its members. A strategic planning committee was then formed to look…
Today- Ramadan Feast with CPB and Tauheed!
Today, April 30, CPB and Tauheed invite you to a Ramadan Feast at Stuyvesant Hall Patio and Courtyard from 8:15pm-9:30pm! There will be drinks and food available for pick-up, provided by Halal Guys Restaurant! Hope to see you there! Make…
Scholarship Opportunity
All juniors majoring in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Finance Economics, Management Economics, Quantitative Economics, or International Business are eligible for the Christian Kamm Scholarship. For the purpose of this scholarship, junior means students who will graduate next year. For the…
2021-22 P&G Student Board Nominations Are Now!
All Politics & Govt. and Pre-Law majors and minors are invited to submit nominations for the 2021-22 Politics & Government Student/Faculty Board. The nominees must: 1) Be declared PG or Pre-Law majors who are interested in improving the program and…
Looking for Student Performers
Are you interested in showcasing your talent during a solo performance in Smith Hall during the spring semester? The Student Involvement Office is coordinating opportunities for students to share their talent on Saturday evenings from 8pm-9pm throughout the semester. Complete…
School Supply Drive for Columbus Bilingual Academy with LA CASA
LA CASA is collecting school supplies (notebooks, pencils, pocket folders, etc.) and sanitation supplies (hand sanitizer, wipes, etc.) for the Columbus Bilingual Academy from Monday, April 19 to Friday, April 30. Look for supply boxes in Hamwil, Merrick, and in…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Sept. 25 – Concur Expense Training!
Please join us for training on Concur Expense on Sept. 25 from 12-1 p.m. in Corns Building, Room 303 (note the location change from previous communication). This system is replacing SmartData! Sign up for training here: Please contact Purchasing if…
Survey – Are You or Were You a Musician? Let Me Know!
After hearing about the musical talents of some of our faculty members at this year’s i-Cubed lecture series, and after hearing several faculty and staff members share their experiences with me conversationally, I decided to make an effort at gathering…
Sept. 27 – Make Your Presentations Powerful, Regardless of Tool
Information Services presents a professional development training Thurs., Sept. 27 at noon on making presentations engaging and impactful, regardless of whether you’re using Apple Keynote, Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint or Prezi. Learn tips, styles and best practices on presenting dynamic…
University Classifieds
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