The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Faculty Teaching and Scholarly Achievement Awards
The Faculty Personnel Committee is seeking suggestions for recipients of the University’s teaching and scholarly or artistic achievement awards listed below: Shankland Teaching Award Welch Teaching Award Welch Scholarship Award Please submit suggestions to the Provost’s Office at no later than…
Golden Bishop Awards Nominations Open – Deadline is March 6
The Golden Bishop Awards have been held since 1987 and exists to recognize Ohio Wesleyan students, advisors, and organizations for outstanding achievements in leadership and community service. We are excited to share year the awards ceremony will also include Greek…
March 4 & 5 – New Smith Hall Furniture Showcase
Residence Life will be holding a furniture showcase to show furniture for the new Smith Hall! 3 companies will be showcasing. Please come and give us your opinion. March 4: 10am – 2pm March 5: 10am – 2pm Location: Hamilton-Williams…
Spring Break Hours for the OWU Libraries
Spring break hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed on the libraries’ website at Please note during Spring Break, for the hours Beeghly is officially closed, the Bashford Lounge will remain open to students by ID card swipe.…
March 6 @ 12pm – Labor Trafficking: Global Problem/Local Impact (Great Decisions Lecture)
Join us at Great Decisions 2020 at noon March 6 at Fellowship Hall of William Street United Methodist Church, 28 W. William St., Delaware. The speaker will be Carol O’Brien, Deputy Attorney General for Law Enforcement/Chief Counsel and Christy Utley, Major of Operations,…
March 6 – Round 3 Theory-to-Practice Grant Deadline
The deadline for Round 3 of Theory-to-Practice grant applications is Friday, March 6th at midnight. You can find a link to the application and guidelines for submission on the TPG website – For assistance, please stop by the Merrick…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Apply to participate in the Athens Democracy Forum
Each year the GLCA sends students to the American College of Greece to Participate in the Athens Democracy. The theme for 2021 is “After the Storms: From Crisis to Renewal”. Forum sessions will address a range of topics, including: Alternative…
Theta Alpha Phi (TAP) Hosts Oscar Viewing Party, RSVP Today
TAP (Theta Alpha Phi) is hosting a (socially distanced and masked) viewing party for the 93rd Annual Academy Awards. Due to COVID-19, we are only allowed up to 40 guests to attend the event, which is held in the Chappelear…
Healthy Tip of the Week: Mindfulness and Meditation
A few weeks ago, we talked about dealing with stress using yoga. Another common way to combat stress is through mindfulness or meditation, and the OWU Counseling Center is offering a Mindfulness Moment every week of April. Over the past…
Interested in Real Estate?
Interested in Real Estate? Register for FIN 499 with Professor MacLeod. This class is available FALL Semester 2021, MW, 2:10-4:00. Pre-reqs for this course are Core Financial Concepts, or Financial Management, or permission of instructor. Please email questions to Lori…
Today! NAfME Noise
Join NAfME on the JAYwalk for the first-ever drum circle event! The event is this Thursday and starts at 6 pm and ends at 7:30 pm. There will be buckets, shakers, hand drums, boomwhackers, and more for students to come…
School Supply Drive for Columbus Bilingual Academy with LA CASA
LA CASA is collecting school supplies (notebooks, pencils, pocket folders, etc.) and sanitation supplies (hand sanitizer, wipes, etc.) for the Columbus Bilingual Academy from Monday, April 19 to Friday, April 30. Look for supply boxes in Hamwil, Merrick, and in…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Sept. 25 – BigTree CMS Training
Information Services presents a technical training introducing BigTree CMS (the content management system used on the OWU website) on Tues., Sept. 25 at noon. Learn how to manage your department’s or program’s web presence on our OWU website. Learn or…
Incomplete Grades Due Today
Incomplete grades for summer and spring 2018 and PR and IP grades and extensions from fall 2017 are due today. Please email grade changes to me at If you wish to grant an extension, please let me know. I will…
Sept. 19 – Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Essentials Training
Information Services presents a technical training introducing to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra on Wed., Sept. 19 at noon. Collaborate is Blackboard’s web-conferencing platform, similar to Skype or Zoom, that’s integrated with their learning management system. Each of our Bb courses has…
University Classifieds
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