The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Feb. 26 – Fighting Words!

From 2:30-5 in the Faculty-Staff Dining room (by the elevator in HWCC) come watch videos and learn about how language has been leveraged across the world to enact peaceful change. Examples from Argentina, Afghanistan, Serbia, and more! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…

Feb. 25 – Democratic Debate Watch Party

Come out and watch the South Carolina Democratic debate with College Democrats on Tuesday, Feb. 25th at 8pm in Crider Lounge. Pizza will be provided, so please RSVP to Mic Kreutzer ( to ensure that you can get some! Hope…

Feb. 24 @ 8 – “Hearts and Minds” Movie Showing

College Republicans and the YDSA are showing a series of war movies in relation to the Feb. 25 lecture, “Our War in Vietnam.” The last movie that will be shown is “Hearts and Minds” on Monday, Feb. 24 at 8…

Feb. 26 @7 – “What Happens If It Happens?”

OWU Counseling Services and Public Safety would like to invite you to a panel event – “What Happens If It Happens?” This event will have free pizza to enjoy at the event. We will also have free stress balls and…

TODAY – Science Lecture Series: Dr. Hongmei Li-Byarlay

This Monday, the Science Lecture Series will host Dr. Hongmei Li-Byarlay, Assistant Professor at Central State University. The talk will be held on Monday, February 24th, 4:10pm, SCSC 163. Dr. Hongmei Li-Byarlay will be discussing diversity and mentoring in the…

Call For Guy Sarvis Award Nominations

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Council would like to call for nominations for the annual award in honor of Dr. Guy Sarvis. Do you know a student who has a demonstrated record of fostering cross-cultural understanding and contributing to…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

SENIORS: VOTE for your Trustee Representative!

Attention Class of 2021: Vote for your Class Representative on the OWU Board of Trustees! The election will run from April 5 – April 6. (Voting closes at 11:59 p.m. (EST) on April 6) Vote here:  *OR* 1. Login to …

Panhellenic Logo Contest

Hey OWU community! Fraternity & Sorority Life will be changing their motto from ‘Be Bold, Be More, Be Greek’ to ‘Lead, Serve, Belong’. In order to achieve this, we will need a logo! This will be a friendly competition to…

Bishop Break Interfaith Day of Service – Tuesday, April 13

The Office of Community Service Learning and the Chaplain’s Office are inviting you to participate in a day of interfaith service on Tuesday, April 13 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. We’ll be talking about what makes for a good…

RUN for WCSA Office! – Info on Upcoming Elections

The Wesleyan Council for Student Affairs (WCSA) is OWU’s student government, representing the student body on-campus through participating on committees, drafting and passing legislation, allocating the student activity fee, etc. The student body election, to elect the WCSA governing body…

Looking for Student Performers

Are you interested in showcasing your talent during a solo performance in Smith Hall during the spring semester? The Student Involvement Office is coordinating opportunities for students to share their talent on Saturday evenings from 8pm-9pm throughout the semester. Complete…

April 24 – Painting With The Honors Board

Come paint pottery with the Honors Board on Saturday, April 24! Paint, mugs, bowls, etc. will be provided by The Bare Bowl! To-go sets will be available for pickup! Due to limited availability, pre-registration is appreciated! Please fill out this…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Sept. 10 to 14 – Concur Trainings

Here are the training dates and locations for Concur Travel and Expense for the week of Sept. 10-14. You can see the calendar for all of September on the Purchasing website. If you would like to schedule a department-specific training,…

Sept. 12 – Join Us for Faculty and Staff Bible Study

On Wed., Sept, 12 at noon, all faculty and staff are welcome to join us in Peale Chapel as we gather to fellowship, share and reflect. Bring your lunch, we have a chair for you! Start Date/Time: September 12, 2018 at…

Sept. 14 – Starfish Training

Information Services presents a technical training introducing Starfish on Fri., Sept. 14 at noon. Starfish is an online student success system that provides a comprehensive view of student interactions campus-wide. This service, available to students, faculty, academic advisors and student…

University Classifieds

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