The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

The OWU Historical Collection Wants Your Coronavirus Story

The Coronavirus outbreak has affected nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Global response to the ongoing crisis is transforming the norms by which our nations, regions, and institutions operate. Amidst all of the monumental events taking place, we believe…

Pause for Mental Health: Coping with Social Impact of COVID-19

Social distancing has dramatically changed the way we connect with friends, family, and loved ones. Oftentimes people can feel that social distancing leads to social isolation. Leslie Steele from Ball State University created a PowerPoint to discuss the social impact…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Tell Us about Your Academic Experience!

As you may know, OWU is looking to revise its general education curriculum–the requirements necessary in order to graduate with an OWU degree. In order to better understand students’ academic experiences, the Committee on Academic Programs, working in conjunction with…

Grab and Go Stress Relief Packs

Stop by the front desk at the main desk in Beeghly Library for your stress relief packs starting Monday, May 24 through the rest of the week! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Bishop Way/Residential Life Contact: Jess Irvine at

Scholarship Opportunity for Local Resident-Students, June 1 Application Deadline

The Delaware County Foundation’s Ralph and Mabel Gooding Memorial scholarship provides post-secondary support to college students already enrolled in an accredited university or college and pursuing their first Bachelor’s degree. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Completed first year or beyond at an accredited…

SENIORS: Friendly reminder to return library items

With graduation fast approaching, please remember that most library items for seniors have a May 15 due date. If you need them for finals, please return them no later than May 26, the last day of finals. Additionally, please know…

Grab and Go Stress Relief Packs

Stop by the front desk at the main desk in Beeghly Library for your stress relief packs starting Monday, May 24 through the rest of the week! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Bishop Way/Residential Life Contact: Jess Irvine at

Student Involvement Office is Hiring

The Student Involvement Office is hiring for the fall 2021 semester! We are excited to share openings for the SIO Student Purchasing Coordinator, Desk Assistant, and Intramural Staff positions! If you interested in helping students get involved on campus. supporting…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Joshua Stevens Appointed Director of Admission

Please join me in welcoming Joshua Stevens as our new director of admission. He will begin his new role on Nov. 7. Previously the director of admissions at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, Josh has 14 years of experience in…

University Classifieds

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