The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
‘Daily’ Dose of Good News – Listen to the Central Ohio Symphony Online!
Check out Delaware’s own Central Ohio Symphony online! The symphony is posting performances by its musicians and past concerts almost every day on Facebook. Visit Central Ohio Symphony and enjoy a musical interlude in your busy day. –Office of University Communications
‘Daily’ Dose of Good News – Paint a Mandala with Cotton Swabs and a Pencil
This is too cool! And the results are beautiful. Check out this step-by-step video and enjoy this fun, relaxing art project! –Office of University Communications
Movement Mondays – Yoga at 4 p.m.
Yoga for Your Mental Health is now being hosted virtually on Zoom! Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma. Come destress, and we encourage you to have a blanket or towel…
Calling All Knitters & Crocheters for The Blanket Initiative!
Like to knit or crochet? Looking for a fun summer project? Want to help make the world a better place through a simple act of kindness? Consider the Blanket Initiative! This project is open to all students, faculty, and local…
Have You Enrolled for FREE .25-Credit COVID-19 Course? Classes Start TODAY!
The OWU faculty is offering a free 10-week course – titled “We’re in This Together: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Coronavirus Pandemic” – beginning the week of April 27 and concluding the week of June 30. It will meet virtually…
The OWL is Online! 🦉
Hello all, this year we have moved “The OWL” online (or rather, to a PDF). English majors and minors will find the PDF in their inbox, but we wanted the edition to be available for all non-majors as well. Which…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Student Involvement Office is Hiring
The Student Involvement Office is hiring for the fall 2021 semester! We are excited to share openings for the SIO Student Purchasing Coordinator, Desk Assistant, and Intramural Staff positions! If you interested in helping students get involved on campus. supporting…
Graduating Seniors – DON’T LOSE YOUR DATA!
For those of you soon to be alumni: When you graduate from Ohio Wesleyan, you’ll have the opportunity to convert your OWU BishopApps account to Email-for-Life, which preserves all of your data. Wouldn’t you like to preserve all your data?…
Win a Gift Card to the Bookstore!
OWU is looking to revise its general education curriculum–the requirements necessary in order to graduate with an OWU degree. To better understand students’ academic experiences, the Committee on Academic Programs, working in conjunction with WCSA, has developed a survey designed…
WCSA Cords for Graduating Seniors
Have you served on WCSA at any point during your time at OWU and are walking this weekend at commencement? If so, we have WCSA cords for you. Please pick up WCSA cords this week between 9:00 am – 12:00…
Congratulations from Politics & Government!
The Politics & Government Dept. wants to express our sincere congratulations to the following: 1) Our 2020-21 award recipients (PG) James J. Hearn Award for Community Service–Alana Guzman (PG) Earl E. Warner Award for Academic Excellence–Alana Guzman (IS) Lyman Award…
Seniors Don’t Forget
Seniors don’t forget to turn in your mailbox key. Don’t for get to change your shipping address on your ordering sites. Don’t forget to check your address on line in case mail needs to be forwarded to you. And make…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Oct. 25 – Introduction to Google Forms Training
Information Services presents a technical training introducing Google Forms on Thurs., Oct. 25 at noon. Forms, part of our OWU BishopApps suite of online collaboration tools, is easy to use for web forms and online surveys or quizzes. You can…
Oct. 24 – Faculty & Staff Bible Study
All faculty and staff are welcome to attend our informal Bible study gatherings! Bring you lunch if you’d like, we have a seat for you. You cannot “fall behind” as we study a different scripture verse every meeting. Start Date/Time: October…
Joshua Stevens Appointed Director of Admission
Please join me in welcoming Joshua Stevens as our new director of admission. He will begin his new role on Nov. 7. Previously the director of admissions at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, Josh has 14 years of experience in…
University Classifieds
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