The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

May 7 @ 11 a.m. – Watch ART 492’s Exhibit Opening on Zoom!

Students in the ART 492 class have created an online “Past to Present: OWU’s Evolution” art exhibition that showcases how Ohio Wesleyan’s academics, student life, places, and extracurricular activities have, or haven’t, changed over time. The “Past to Present” exhibit…

The OWU Historical Collection Wants Your Coronavirus Story

The Coronavirus outbreak has affected nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Global response to the ongoing crisis is transforming the norms by which our nations, regions, and institutions operate. Amidst all of the monumental events taking place, we believe…

TODAY – Bishop Spirit Day! Wear Your OWU Gear!

Show your support for the Class of 2020 by wearing your OWU gear today!  Take a picture in your OWU gear, tag @OhioWesleyan with #BishopStrong We want to send the seniors out feeling the love and support of the OWU…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

On-Campus Employment Information

OWU departments are looking to hire students! This year, all open positions for on-campus student employment will be posted through Career Connection’s Handshake Portal: If you have questions on how to access Handshake, just ask! Once you have logged…

Last Call: Join the OWU Wind Ensemble and/or The Marching Bishops

Open enrollment is still active for anyone interested in The OWU Symphonic Wind Ensemble or The Marching Bishops. If you’d like to keep your love of band alive this semester contact Rich Edwards, at The Wind Ensemble rehearses twice…

Aug. 27 @ – Day on the JAY: A JAYwalk Adventure!

Bishops, it’s that time again! Day on the JAY: A JAYwalk Adventure will take place this Friday, August 27th, from 11:30 am-1:30 pm! Come to the JAYwalk for music, giveaways, food, a rock wall, and so much more! Make sure…

Aug. 23-28 – Welcome Week!

CPB is excited to welcome students back to campus with these Fall 2021 Welcome Week programs, taking place this week, Monday through Saturday! Monday, 8/23: OWU Oasis, 7 pm-9 pm, outside of Smith Hall and Stuyvesant Hall. Tuesday, 8/24: Movie…

Interested in Real Estate? Take FIN 499 this semester!

Interested in Real Estate? Register for FIN 499 with Professor MacLeod. This class is available FALL Semester 2021, MW, 2:10-4:00. Pre-reqs for this course are Core Financial Concepts, or Financial Management, or permission of instructor. The course description online is…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Have You Seen This Artwork?

The Ross Art Museum is in need of help locating a few of its artworks around campus. If you have seen, or think you have seen in the past, one of these works please contact Ruth Ackermann at, or Ext.…

Nov. 13 – Sharing and Collaborating With OWU BishopApps Training

Information Services presents a technical training on sharing and collaborating with OWU BishopApps on Tues., Nov. 13 at noon. Come and learn how to take advantage of the communication and collaboration features that are integrated throughout OWU BishopApps: BishopMail, Hangouts,…

Nov. 9 – Faculty/Staff Free Friday for ‘Orchesis 18/19’

The Department of Theatre and Dance presents ‘Orchesis 18/19,’ its annual contemporary dance concert. This year’s production will be on the Main Stage of Chappelear Drama Center on Fri., Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. and Sat., Nov. 10 at 2…

University Classifieds

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