The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Senior Award Winners, DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY – Congratulations!
The Department of Geology and Geography is pleased to announce that the following graduating seniors are winners of departmental awards: The Robert E. Shanklin Distinguished Scholar in Geography: KAYLA M. ADOLPH The Robert E. Shanklin Distinguished Scholar Award in Geology:…
May 7 @ 11 a.m. – Watch ART 492’s Exhibit Opening on Zoom!
Students in the ART 492 class have created an online “Past to Present: OWU’s Evolution” art exhibition that showcases how Ohio Wesleyan’s academics, student life, places, and extracurricular activities have, or haven’t, changed over time. The “Past to Present” exhibit…
CompLit Celebrates Virtually Its Amazing Students & 4 Award Winners
On Friday, May 1, the Compliterati folks, dressed in their regalia, got together virtually to raise their glasses to celebrate what will be a historic academic year and the achievements of our students who love reading literature from around the…
Senior Award Winners in ZOOLOGY – Congratulations!
The Department of Zoology is proud to announce that the following graduating seniors have won awards in our department: Edward Grant Conklin Award, for excellence in independent research in Zoology: ABBI TURNER. Ralph Alvin Bowdle Award, for exceptional contributions to…
‘Daily’ Dose of Good News – Lots of Fun Questions to Prompt Conversation!
We’ve got plenty of time to talk to friends, neighbors, and loved ones — from a safe social distance, of course. And here are lots of fun questions from to keep things lively and fun! We’re not going to…
OWU Daily Summer Publication Schedule
The OWU Daily will begin its summer publication schedule Monday, May 11. It will be published weekly each Monday through Aug. 17, when daily publication resumes. Please submit all postings before noon on the Thursday prior to your desired Monday publication date. Thank you and have…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Aug. 27 @ – Day on the JAY: A JAYwalk Adventure!
Bishops, it’s that time again! Day on the JAY: A JAYwalk Adventure will take place this Friday, August 27th, from 11:30 am-1:30 pm! Come to the JAYwalk for music, giveaways, food, a rock wall, and so much more! Make sure…
Off-Campus Dining Dollar Locations for 2021-2022
After last year’s student body vote, we are happy to announce the off-campus locations where your OWU Dining Dollars can be used for this upcoming academic year. They are: Pulp Wendy’s Domino’s Victor’s Taco Shop Fresh Start Cafe & Bakery…
Aug. 25 @ 6 PM – Senior Class Welcome Back Reception
Class of 2022! Join President Rock Jones for a senior class toast and reception today as we welcome you back to OWU and kick-off your senior year. Music, games, food, and friendship! Join us Wednesday, Aug. 25, at 6 pm…
JOIN CHOIR! Tuesday Evening 6-8 PM and Thursday 4:30-5:30! It’s not too late! Contact Dr. Hiester- OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Performing Arts Department. Contact: Jason Hiester at
BCI/FBI Background Checks On Campus Aug. 26 & 27 9 am-1 pm
Taking an education course with a required field experience this fall? Working at the Early Childhood Center? You will need to secure a BCI/FBI Background Check prior to your field experience or employment. The Education Department is hosting Biometric Information…
Cheer for OWU
Are you interested in becoming a Bishop cheerleader for Football? Tryouts are NOW. Please text Coach Shuster at 740-272-1731 for tryout information. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Cheer. Contact: Ruth Shuster at
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Donate to People in Need this Holiday Season
The holiday season is fast approaching and once again the Provost’s Office will be collecting money to help support Delaware County families through People In Need (PIN). Due to the growing number of families in Delaware County that are assisted…
Nov. 13 – Sharing and Collaborating With OWU BishopApps Training
Information Services presents a technical training on sharing and collaborating with OWU BishopApps on Tues., Nov. 13 at noon. Come and learn how to take advantage of the communication and collaboration features that are integrated throughout OWU BishopApps: BishopMail, Hangouts,…
Try the Better Version of Blackboard Courses This Spring!
We’re excited to offer a new course experience in Blackboard, available by request for any Spring ’19 course. It’s Learn Ultra, a new course view that offers a streamlined, more intuitive interface and workflows. We’ve successfully tested it with a…
University Classifieds
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