The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

House Project: Fundraising for Indigenous Nonprofit

Hello! As a member of the SAGE SLU, my house project is focused on emphasizing SAGE’s mission of equity and recognition of intersectional identities. To honor the life of Nex Benedict of the Choctaw Nation, my house project will be…

Downtown Parking Changes Taking Place This Week

Starting this week, downtown Delaware visitors will start seeing changes to the parking program as it transitions from Passport parking to ParkMobile. City crews are switching out signage at on-street and off-street parking spaces, and meters are being calibrated for…

April 8 @ 7 p.m. – Marsh Lecture: Virginia Gewin: Breathing Clean Air

Virginia Gewin, a freelance independent science journalist, will be presenting: “Breathing Clean Air: An Environmental Success Turned Environmental Justice Story” at 7 p.m. April 8 in Benes Rooms A&B in Hamilton-Williams Campus Center.  This lecture is free and open to…

OWU Connection News & Events

Sept. 20 – Spring Study Away Round 1 Deadline

The deadline to complete your Spring 2024 study away leave application (Round 1) is Wednesday, Sept. 20. If you are interested in participating in an off-campus program next semester, please stop by the IOCP office on the 3rd floor of…

Travel Learning Courses – Information for Students

Want to know more details about the Travel Learning Course Program?  The Student Information Page has application, billing, and other information. Details about course offerings can be found on the 23/24 TLC Course Page.  General program information can be found on…

Sept. 18 – AIFS Study Abroad Campus Visit TODAY

Come chat with Damien Marshall, our university representative from AIFS Abroad, in the HWCC atrium from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. AIFS offers programs during the Spring, Summer, Fall, and January/ Winter Break in over 20 countries! These programs are…

Sept. 20 @ 11:30 a.m. – Study Abroad Campus Visit

On Sept. 20, Border Studies (Roger Adkins), Carleton College (Rob Quanbeck), and Japan Study (Natanya Cooper) will visit our campus to discuss study-abroad options. The Border Studies Program is a semester-long program based in Tucson, Arizona, that consists of homestays,…

Student News & Events

Student Mailroom Hours for July

The student mailroom will be open Monday-Thursday from 1:30-3 p.m., closed on Friday.  In addition, the student mailroom will be closed on July 4, July 8-12, and July 22-26. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Mailroom Contact: Diana Brooks at

Student Mailroom Hours in June

The student mailroom will be closed on Fridays as well as June 13 and 19. Thank you. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Mailroom Contact: Diana Brooks at

WCSA Graduating Seniors: Graduation Cords

Graduating seniors who served on WCSA at any time while at OWU are eligible for WCSA graduation cords. The black and silver cords can be picked up in the Student Engagement and Success office on the second floor of Hamilton-Williams…


Pick up your guests’ commencement tickets by noon on Thursday 5/9 in Academic Affairs Office 107, University Hall. Tickets not picked up by the deadline will be held at the will-call table inside the east Field House entrance for that…

Off-Campus Dining Location Survey Closes May 2

Every couple of years, we survey the student body to see where they would like to be able to use their OWU dining dollars at off-campus locations. As such, we are asking students to complete the following short survey, selecting…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Feb. 29 @ 10 a.m. – Open Access Publishing Overview for Authors

Faculty are invited to a brief virtual Open Access Agreements Overview session on Feb. 29 from 10-10:30 a.m. Register to attend at Attendees will learn how they can publish Open Access journal articles and avoid processing fees through OWU…

TIAA Individual Financial Counseling Sessions – Spring Semester 2024!

Now scheduling (in-person) appointments for spring semester 2024! Faculty and Staff can receive retirement counseling appointments on the OWU campus with the University’s TIAA representative, Brady Nolan. No matter where you are in life – just getting started or planning…

Need To Process A Work-Related Concern Confidentially?

Remember that OWU offers Ombuds Services to staff and faculty.  This confidential and impartial service allows you to discuss a work situation you are dealing with and explore ways in which you might proceed.  Problems don’t need to rise to…

University Classifieds

Looking for an Off-Campus Roommate

I have a second bedroom to lease out in my apartment. I live seven minutes away from campus in a townhome apartment. Quick disclaimer, I have a cat, but she is super sweet! I’m hoping to find someone to help…

Lost Conducting Baton

Hello, Sometime Tuesday (2/7) evening I lost my conducting baton.  It has a purple & pink handle and looks like this.  It would have been somewhere between the Welch parking lot & Thomson Hall.  If you found it, please let…

Digital Protractor Found

Digital protractor found in the upstairs gym in Edwards on Monday afternoon. You can claim it in the Athletics office 101E (last office on the left) OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Athletics Contact: Tracey Little at

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