The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

OWU Connection Program Updates 2020-2021

Are you interested in OWU Connection Programs for the 2020-2021 school year? Thinking about Theory-to-Practice Grants, Small-Grants, Study Away, or other university-sponsored travel? Please refer our newly named OWU Connection / International & Off-Campus Programs — Information for the 2020/2021…

‘Inter/Sect’ Opens 2 Weeks From Today!

Inter/Sect is a performative exploration of the societal boundaries we create, accept, and ignore. Devised and performed by students, this original work will feature scenes, monologues, sketches, dance, poetry, and more! Under the direction of Ares Harper (‘19), Inter/Sect demands…

OWU Connection Program Updates 2020-2021

Are you interested in OWU Connection Programs for the 2020-2021 school year? Thinking about Theory-to-Practice Grants, Small-Grants, Study Away, or other university-sponsored travel? Please refer our newly named OWU Connection / International & Off-Campus Programs — Information for the 2020/2021…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Sept. 15 @ 6pm – 1st Sanborn Sound Rehearsal!

Do you play a brass instrument or percussion? Or, have you ever wanted to? If so, Sanborn Sound is the place for you! Sanborn Sound is Ohio Wesleyan’s brass group, and our first rehearsal is Wednesday, Sept. 15, from 6-7…

Sept. 14 @ 9pm – LAST Chance to Apply for WCSA Senate!

If you’re interested in joining student government, here’s your chance! WCSA is still accepting applications to join the general Senate. This is open to all grade levels and is a great way to become involved with all OWU related affairs.…

Today @ 7pm – Study Abroad 2022/SP – Zoom Meeting

If you are interested in studying abroad next semester or if you have already applied to do so, there will be a Zoom information session today, Sept. 13, at 7 PM. This session will include a brief overview of options…

Join the Campus Programming Board!

The Ohio Wesleyan Campus Programming Board is a student organization that organizes and hosts fun, free, and entertaining events for OWU students and the community. Through coordinating and executing engaging events, CPB strives to enrich the social life at OWU!…

Apply for a Student-Faculty Committee! Open to all grades!

The purpose of Student-faculty committees is for students to have a voice on all matters OWU. It’s a way for the students to hold faculty and staff accountable and to become more involved in decision-making processes. If this sounds like…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Thank You to Monday’s Shuttle Drivers!

On behalf of the OWU Staff Council – THANK YOU to the following staff members for driving shuttles to transport students during Monday’s frigid weather: Kirsta Cobb, William Hayes, Lisa Ho, Ed Lenane, Christopher Mickens, Richard Morman, Brad Pulcini, Maureen…

2018 W-2 Forms Available

OWU employees who received wages during 2018 are now able to pick up their 2018 W-2 & 1095-C forms in the Human Resource Office (University Hall, Room 003). You will need to come in person and bring a photo ID.…

Jan. 29 – Faculty/Staff Bible Study

Join us! We welcome you to our informal Bible study – you cannot “fall behind” as we study a different verse/verses each meeting. Bring your lunch or a cup of coffee and join us in Peale Chapel on Tues., Jan.…

University Classifieds

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