The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

National Coming Out Day 2020

October 11 is National Coming Out Day. 33 years after this holiday began, LGBT individuals still face discrimination and hate for simply wanting to exist openly as they are. The OMSA Spectrum Resource Center will be holding an event on…

It’s time to register to vote, Bishops!

Voter registration ends on October 5 in OH! Even if you’ve registered before, you may need to update your registration if you’ve moved dorms since last election! Not sure what to do? Check out our YouTube playlist with step-by-step instructions  and…

2020 Delaware Great Decisions Series Resumes Fridays, Oct. 2-23

The Great Decisions Series, featuring discussions of U.S. foreign policy, will continue virtually this fall after being cut short in the spring. Four programs will be offered by Zoom on consecutive Fridays beginning Oct. 2. It is not necessary to…

OWU Rocks the Block/Vote – TODAY!

OWU Rocks the Block Vote is tonight! Join the Campus Programming Board and campus partners on the JAYwalk from 6-8 pm. There will be live music, fun, food trucks and Graeter’s ice cream! There will be information about how students…

Get a free Bob the Bishop “Your Vote Counts” sticker!

Want to know all the ins-and-outs it takes to help your fellow students vote in 2020? Take the digital OWU Get-Out-the-Vote training on Edpuzzle so you can become an OWU-Certified Get-Out-the-Vote Guide! All trainees receive a free Bob the Bishop…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Renewable Scholarship Opportunity: Scholarship America Dream Award

The 2022-23 Scholarship America Dream Award is now open for student applications! Since 2014, the Dream Award has supported more than 100 students who overcame adversity to make it into college, but who faced financial challenges beyond freshman year.  The award is renewable up…

Join the Campus Programming Board!

The Ohio Wesleyan Campus Programming Board is a student organization that organizes and hosts fun, free, and entertaining events for OWU students and the community. Through coordinating and executing engaging events, CPB strives to enrich the social life at OWU!…

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. – Rush Information!

Are you interested in joining Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Pi Gamma Chapter? Pi Gamma chapter includes students from Ohio Wesleyan, Capital, Denison, Ohio Dominican, and Otterbein Universities Formal Rush October 3, 2021 (virtual) All required materials must be submitted…

Sept. 22 – Career and Grad School Fair!

The annual Career and Grad School Fair will be in the Benes Rooms of Hamilton Williams Campus Center on Wednesday from 11 am to 2 pm. Come check out this robust group of graduate/professional schools and employers that are hiring!…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Encourage Students to Apply for President’s Club!

The President’s Club, a source of Ohio Wesleyan pride for over 30 years, is currently accepting applications for new members. Qualified students have leadership experience and potential, a professional and personable demeanor, campus involvement and a passion for OWU. If…

Feb. 12 – Faculty/Staff Bible Study

Join us! We welcome you to our informal Bible study – you cannot “fall behind” as we study a different verse/verses each meeting. Bring your lunch or a cup of coffee and join us in Peale Chapel on Tues., Feb.…

Faculty/Staff Parking Permit Reminder

The deadline to register for a new Faculty/Staff parking hangtag is Feb. 18. If you haven’t already applied for yours, this information is for you! – All Faculty/Staff with an expired red-and-white permit that expired in 2017 must apply online…

University Classifieds

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