The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
OWU Rocks the Block/Vote – Oct. 1
OWU Rocks the Block/Vote is Thursday Oct. 1! Join the Campus Programming Board and campus partners on the JAYwalk from 6-8 pm. There will be live music, fun, food trucks and Graeter’s ice cream! There will be information about how…
Oct. 6 – Joshua Rovner to speak at the 31st J.K. Eddy Lecture
Please join us from the comfort of your home/room/backyard as Professor Joshua R. Rovner, Ph.D., shares his insight regarding “Democracy in the Shadow of Foreign Meddling” at the 31st annual John Kennard Eddy Memorial Lecture on World Politics. Joshua Rovner…
It’s time to register to vote, Bishops!
Voter registration ends on Oct. 5 in OH! Even if you’ve registered before, you may need to update your registration if you’ve moved dorms since last election! Not sure what to do? Check out our YouTube playlist with step-by-step instructions and…
New myOWU System
Information Services will be launching the new, streamlined myOWU system aimed at getting you to your destinations more quickly. The system will go live at 6:30am on Oct. 8. You can test it out at this address: Send any feedback…
Oct. 7 – ‘Race and the Right to Vote ‘B.A. Jones Lecture
We hope you are able to join us, virtually, for the 27th annual Butler A. Jones Lecture Series on Race and Society as Ric Sheffield, professor of sociology and legal studies at Kenyon College, discusses “Race and the Right to…
3 More Days: “Inter/Sect” Opens This Friday Oct. 2
Inter/Sect is a performative exploration of the societal boundaries we create, accept, and ignore. Devised and performed by students, this original work will feature scenes, monologues, sketches, dance, poetry, and more! Under the direction of Ares Harper (‘19), Inter/Sect demands…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Collaborate with CPB!
Calling all OWU clubs/organizations! CPB wants to collaborate with you! If your club or organization has an idea for an event, send us an email ( with the name of your organization, your idea, and your potential budget, and let…
Sept. 13 @ 7pm – Study Abroad 2022/SP – Zoom Meeting
If you are interested in studying abroad next semester or if you have already applied to do so, there will be a Zoom information session Monday at 7 PM. This session will include a brief overview of options and opportunities…
Interested in a Divine 9 experience? Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. invites you to connect!
You are cordially invited to join the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. at ‘Sigma Kickoff’, Sunday, September 12 at 4:25 pm in the Stuyvesant Cave. Come out to network, build friendships, expand your connections in a relaxed atmosphere…
Polling for interest in Monthly Art Nights
SLAM, the Student Led Arts Movement, is planning monthly art nights open to all students! No affiliation to SLAM or experience with art is necessary! If interested, please fill out this poll to help decide medium and interest! For…
Sept. 14 @ Noon – Finance Lunch Chat (Corns 312)
Professor Barbara MacLeod will discuss Finance requirements and course substitutions. We will also hear from a panel of finance students as they talk about their summer internships followed by resume tips, recruiting timelines and career connection resources! Register here: …
Study Abroad Scholarship – Deadline Sept. 15
Are you planning to study abroad in 2022? The Fund for Education Abroad is now accepting applications for scholarships. Students can access the application on the FEA website at The deadline to apply is Sept. 15, 2021, at 12 pm…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Faculty/Staff Parking Permit Reminder
The deadline to register for a new Faculty/Staff parking hangtag is Feb. 18. If you haven’t already applied for yours, this information is for you! – All Faculty/Staff with an expired red-and-white permit that expired in 2017 must apply online…
What Address Do I Use When Mailing to OWU?
When ordering for a package delivery at OWU, please use the 61 S. Sandusky main address. The post office and other delivery services do not deliver to the individual buildings. If it is being shipped by USPS, it will come…
Feb. 5 – Introduction to New BishopMail/Gmail Interface Training
Information Services presents its first technical training of the spring semester introducing the new BishopMail/Gmail interface on Tues., Feb. 5 at noon. Stay composed–a fresh, updated interface for OWU BishopApps Mail on the web is here. Do more without leaving…
University Classifieds
Questions? Contact us at