The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Oct. 9 @ Noon – Great Decisions Discussion on ‘Climate Change and the Global Order’
The Great Decisions Series, featuring discussions of U.S. foreign policy, continues virtually this fall on Fridays through Oct. 23. It is not necessary to sign up in advance. You only need to use the link to the Zoom Waiting Room…
Design a T-Shirt for Charity!
Submit your T-Shirt design to the OWU Honors Board at! Design should include: – Ohio Wesleyan Logo – OWU Honors Board Accepting design submissions until Oct. 12! —OPEN TO EVERYBODY—— OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Honors Board Contact: Emmanuella Akomeah-Sirleaf at
Nominate a Deserving Individual for a You Are OWU Award
The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader for others. Click here to nominate today: The selection committee prefers to recognize specific…
Bite Sized Theatre: Dialect Workshop on Sat, Oct 10.
Wesleyan Players is so excited to host our first zoom workshop this Saturday October 10 @ 5 PM EST! All are welcome to join us for this fun, low-pressure opportunity to learn a skill and grow in our art! ~…
Extension of International Travel Restrictions
Due to the continued uncertainties and risks presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the restrictions on institutionally-sponsored travel have been extended through June 2021. These restrictions include the cancelation/postponement of SP/21 study abroad opportunities, Travel Learning Courses and other programs. Domestic…
Join us for the screening of Carmen y Lola and a live discussion with film scholar Maria del Mar López-Cabrales (Colorado State University). Screening times: Thursday, Oct 8. and Friday, Oct. 9, 7pm. Live Discussion: Friday, Oct 9. 9pm via…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Oct. 4 @ 12:10pm – Clubs: Learn how to Create a Welcoming & Supportive Environment – Come to Leadership on the GO!
Club Leaders – mark your calendars to attend the first session of Leadership on the GO! – Creating a Welcoming and Supportive Environment. Learn how to foster and maintain a community of growth and support. Improve your recruitment and retention!…
Sept. 29 @ Noon: Applying to Grad/Professional School 101!
Hoping to apply to Grad/Professional School? Come to our workshop on Wednesday, September 29th at noon at HWCC 304 to get the inside scoop and prepare yourself for this rigorous task! REGISTER HERE: This session (lunch included!!) will be…
Class of 2022: Join Rock Jones and guests for a senior class toast to honor and celebrate your senior year and kick off Homecoming and Family Week! Join us MONDAY, September 27, at 6-7 pm on the *Bradford Milligan Hall…
Video Game Research Study – Chance to Win Amazon Gift Card!
If you have a PC and an hour of free time, take a look at our online study! We are testing the effects of action video games on various cognitive tasks and would like for you to help us…
Sept. 29 @ Noon – Meet with Representative from Washington University’s Dual-Degree Engineering Program (SCSC 136)
Are you interested in combining a liberal arts education with a study of engineering? On Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 12PM, a representative from the Washington University Dual-Degree Engineering Program will be on campus to discuss their engineering program and the…
Postponed – VIVA Churro Fundraiser!
Apologies, churro lovers, but VIVA had to postpone our Sept. 24 churro fundraiser. We’ll share a new date as soon as possible. Thanks! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: VIVA. Contact: ALEXIS YRACHETA at
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Feb. 22 – Starfish Training
Information Services presents a technical training on Starfish on Fri., Feb. 22 at noon. Starfish is an online student success system that provides a comprehensive view of student interactions campuswide. This service, available to students, faculty, academic advisors and student…
Feb. 26 – BishopApps/Google Calendar Training
Information Services presents a technical training on BishopApps and Google Calendar on Tues., Feb. 26 at noon. Come and learn how to take advantage of the communication and collaboration features that are integrated throughout OWU BishopApps: Calendar, BishopMail, Hangouts, Contacts…
Death of Former Staff Member Larry Decker
We are sad to share that former OWU staff member Lawrence J. “Larry” Decker of Delaware died Feb. 16. Calling hours will be held from 4-7 p.m. today, Feb. 21, at Robinson Funeral Home, 32 W. Winter St. A Mass…
University Classifieds
Questions? Contact us at