The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
It’s time to request absentee mail-in ballots!
If you’re planning to vote by mail, you have to request an absentee ballot! Check your voter registration status first: and then check the following link, which walks you through the ways you can request your absentee ballot: If you need…
LAST CALL – Bishop Spark: The Challenge of Change
Make your spark before Bishop Spark ends tomorrow at 12pm ET! ______________ Ohio Wesleyan empowers students to learn, practice, and examine so that they may discover the light and change they want to be in the world. Bishop Spark is…
Oct. 9 @ Noon – Great Decisions Discussion on ‘Climate Change and the Global Order’
The Great Decisions Series, featuring discussions of U.S. foreign policy, continues virtually this fall on Fridays through Oct. 23. It is not necessary to sign up in advance. You only need to use the link to the Zoom Waiting Room…
The presale homecoming t-shirt is now LIVE! All students, faculty, and alumni are welcome to purchase this amazing shirt! Here is the link The pre-sale closes Monday, Oct. 12, so get your shirt while you can. Remember, its a Great…
Join us Friday for Delta Delta Delta Movie Night!
Support St. Jude Children’s Research Center by joining the sisters of Delta Delta Delta in the showing of Nightmare Before Christmas at the amphitheater beside Hamilton Williams Campus Center on Oct. 9, 2020 at 7:30 PM. Tickets will be sold…
The presale homecoming t-shirt is now LIVE! All students, faculty, and alumni are welcome to purchase this amazing shirt! Here is the link The pre-sale closes Monday, Oct. 12, so get your shirt while you can. Remember, its a Great…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
FREE Food Truck Ticket for Tailgate!
Tuesday and Wednesday, OWUSAA is tabling to hand out ~FREE~ FOOD TRUCK meal tickets to ALL students for Homecoming! These meal tickets can be redeemed at any of the food trucks at the Homecoming tailgate on Saturday, October 2 from…
Oct. 1 @ 12pm – Attention Students: You’re Invited to a Celebration Weekend Lunch on Friday!
Please join the campus community on Friday, October 1, between 12 – 1:30 pm for a special celebratory lunch. The dining halls will be closed and this will be your place to connect with the campus community and enjoy a…
Sept. 29 @ 7pm – Theory-to-Practice Grant Program Information Session
There will be a virtual information session for those interested in applying for an OWU Connection Theory-to-Practice Grant (TPG) this Wednesday, 29 September, at 7 pm. Learn more about the TPG Program. Q & A, tips for success included. Join…
Sept. 29 @ 12pm – Meet with Representative from Washington University’s Dual-Degree Engineering Program (SCSC 136)
Are you interested in combining a liberal arts education with a study of engineering? On Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 12PM, a representative from the Washington University Dual-Degree Engineering Program will be on campus to discuss their engineering program and the…
Sept. 29 @ Noon: Applying to Grad/Professional School 101!
Hoping to apply to Grad/Professional School? Come to our workshop on Wednesday, September 29th at noon at HWCC 304 to get the inside scoop and prepare yourself for this rigorous task! REGISTER HERE: This session (lunch included!!) will be…
Earn 0.25 Credit as an Usher this Semester!
The Chappelear Drama Center is in need of Usher’s for each production this year and by participating, you could earn a 0.25 activity credit. All that is required is to be an usher for 3 shows during the fall semester.…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Feb. 26 – BishopApps/Google Calendar Training
Information Services presents a technical training on BishopApps and Google Calendar on Tues., Feb. 26 at noon. Come and learn how to take advantage of the communication and collaboration features that are integrated throughout OWU BishopApps: Calendar, BishopMail, Hangouts, Contacts…
Feb. 28 – Examity Test Proctoring in Blackboard Training
Information Services presents a technical training introducing Examity Test Proctoring in Blackboard on Thurs., Feb. 28 at noon. Examity online proctoring, used in summer online courses, is available for traditional semester courses as well–whether or not you’re using Blackboard for…
Professors Wanted For Judging Art Show
Environment and Wildlife Club is looking for three professors interested in judging artwork being submitted for the Green Week Art Show. We’re looking for at least one art professor, but have no preference for the other two. The show and…
University Classifieds
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