The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Circle K Kindness Campaign!

Send kind messages to your fellow Bishops with Circle K! Submit compliments, words of encouragement, and other kind messages here:  We will send your message to the recipient of your choice. You can fill out more than one form, and…

Alumni Connection: Careers in Public Service

If you’re interested in a career in public service, this event is for you! Join the Offices of Alumni Relations and Career Connection to hear from OWU alumnus and National Director of the Minority Business Development Agency, David Byrd ’81.…

Nominate a Deserving Individual for a You Are OWU Award

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader for others. Click here to nominate today:  The selection committee prefers to recognize specific…

Request your absentee ballot NOW!

If you’re planning to vote by mail, you have to request an absentee ballot! Check your voter registration status first:  and then check the following link, which walks you through the ways you can request your absentee ballot:  If you need…

Nominate a Deserving Individual for a You Are OWU Award

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader for others. Click here to nominate today:  The selection committee prefers to recognize specific…

Fund your project! Apply now!

The Saphir Funds were created by a gift to the Department of Economics and Business from Joel Leonard Saphir. Any OWU student or current Economics and Business department faculty member is eligible to apply for the Saphir Funds. For a…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

LOST AND FOUND – Front desk in Hamilton Williams!

The OWU lost and found section is located at the front desk of the SIO in Hamilton Williams Campus Center. If you happen to be missing something important to you – keys, water bottles, clothes, etc. – come stop by…

Quick Survey

Hello all! My name is Brooke, and I am a Journalism/Politics and Government major doing an article about the death penalty for a class. I would really appreciate it if students could fill out this survey for the article! No…

Join the Campus Programming Board!

The Ohio Wesleyan Campus Programming Board is a student organization that organizes and hosts fun, free, and entertaining events for OWU students and the community. Through coordinating and executing engaging events, CPB strives to enrich the social life at OWU!…

Collaborate with CPB!

Calling all OWU clubs/organizations! CPB wants to collaborate with you! If your club or organization has an idea for an event, send us an email ( with the name of your organization, your idea, and your potential budget, and let…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

March 21 and 22 – Sustaining Digital Humanities Workshop

The Five Colleges of Ohio Digital Collaborations Group is excited to announce that the NEH-funded Sustaining DH Institute has offered to bring their Sustaining DH Workshop () here to the Ohio Five. This two-day workshop focusing on the sustainability of…

Feb. 26 – BishopApps/Google Calendar Training

Information Services presents a technical training on BishopApps and Google Calendar on Tues., Feb. 26 at noon. Come and learn how to take advantage of the communication and collaboration features that are integrated throughout OWU BishopApps: Calendar, BishopMail, Hangouts, Contacts…

Feb. 28 – Examity Test Proctoring in Blackboard Training

Information Services presents a technical training introducing Examity Test Proctoring in Blackboard on Thurs., Feb. 28 at noon. Examity online proctoring, used in summer online courses, is available for traditional semester courses as well–whether or not you’re using Blackboard for…

University Classifieds

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