The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Feb. 17 @ 12:30 pm – Ash Wednesday Service

The Chaplain’s Office will be hosting the annual Ash Wednesday service on Feb. 17. The first part of the service will be virtual. Please RSVP here () to receive the Zoom link. At the conclusion of the virtual service, participants…

Wednesday @ Noon – Mindful Moment Drop-In Group

MINDFUL Moment is a free, drop-in, no-registration-necessary, group offering various mindfulness/meditation exercises to bring awareness and balance to body and mind. This is a virtual space that will meet for one hour each week on Wednesdays at noon. Please bring…

“We Are OWU” Starts Thursday at Noon

Every Bishop has a unique story. Together, We Are OWU. Starting February 18 at 12 p.m. EST, University Advancement will host its first-ever “We Are OWU” giving campaign at to celebrate and support OWU’s rich community. For 1,842 minutes—in honor of…

Zoology Student Board’s February Reading List

Zoology board Reading list! Welcome to the first reading list of the new semester! Bones; Roy Meal, MD Who would think that a subject as dry as bones would be filled with so much life! This book describes in easily…

Feb. 18 @ Noon: Purpose, Profit, and the Responsibility of Business

Dr. Alex Edmans, a Finance Professor at London Business School and the author of “Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit,” will discuss the role of business in today’s society. Business is often accused of degrading…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Dec. 1 – December Funtrium: Therapy Dogs and Hot Chocolate Bar!

Take a break from studying for finals and come out to the Atrium in the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center for 12 pm-1 pm for therapy dogs and free hot chocolate! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Involvement Office Contact: Halima Elmajdoubi at

FEA Study Abroad Scholarship is Live!

The Summer, Fall, and Academic Year 2022-2023 Funds for Education Abroad Scholarship is now live! The scholarship can cover up to $10,000 to study abroad anywhere in the world. To apply, see Applications are due by noon on January…

WCSA Wants Your Feedback on Potential New Positions

WCSA is conducting a survey to gather feedback on the current makeup of our structure. We’re also looking for feedback concerning potential representative positions we may add in the future. Thanks for your feedback! Take the survey here: OWU…

OWU Mortar Board is looking for Nominations for New Members!

Dear Junior/Senior Ohio Wesleyan Students, The Monnett Chapter of Mortar Board is seeking nominations for new members! Mortar Board is a National Honor Society for Seniors who have gone out of their way to demonstrate the three tiers of leadership,…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

TODAY @ 4 p.m. – Lauri Strimkovsky’s Farewell Reception

Please join the Ohio Wesleyan family in a farewell reception to thank Lauri Strimkovsky for her tireless devotion to Ohio Wesleyan during her tenure as Vice President for Finance and Administration. The reception will take place tomorrow, September 13 in…

Sept. 17 @ NOON – Managing Time in Google Calendar Training

Information Services presents a technical training on Managing Time in Google Calendar for professional development. It will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 17, from Noon to 1 p.m. in Corns 109. Come and learn how to take advantage of the…

University Classifieds

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