The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Ask a Bishop: Getting into the music with Clerel ’13

Join us for a performance by Clerel and hear about his musical journey! Jean Clerel is a 2013 graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University and where he was introduced to the acoustic guitar by a roommate. Born and raised in Douala,…

Last Day for We Are OWU!

Today’s your last day to support We Are OWU! Visit On campus, stop by our tables in the HWCC Atrium during lunch today to help say thank you to donors and get a free treat. There’s still time to get…

Zoology Student Board’s February Reading List

Zoology board Reading list! Welcome to the first reading list of the new semester! Bones; Roy Meal, MD Who would think that a subject as dry as bones would be filled with so much life! This book describes in easily…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

OWU Mortar Board is looking for Nominations for New Members!

Dear Junior/Senior Ohio Wesleyan Students, The Monnett Chapter of Mortar Board is seeking nominations for new members! Mortar Board is a National Honor Society for Seniors who have gone out of their way to demonstrate the three tiers of leadership,…

Need Some Cash? Proposals Due Dec. 6!

The Department of Economics and Business is now accepting applications for the Burton Morgan Entrepreneurship Student Paper Competition Award. The competition is open to all junior or senior students at OWU and is designed to encourage student research in entrepreneurship…

Need Some Cash?

The Department of Economics and Business is now accepting applications for the Burton Morgan Entrepreneurship Student Paper Competition Award. The competition is open to all junior or senior students at OWU and is designed to encourage student research in entrepreneurship…

BCI/FBI Background Checks On Campus Fri, Dec. 3, 9am-2pm

Taking an education course with a required field experience this spring? Working at the Early Childhood Center? You will need to secure a BCI/FBI Background Check prior to your field experience or employment. The Education Department is hosting Biometric Information…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Launch of Direct Deposit for Reimbursements for Faculty and Staff

Over the next few months, the Finance office will be introducing some efficiency initiatives to better serve the campus community and streamline operations. The first of these is direct deposit for all faculty and staff reimbursements, which has the following…

University Classifieds

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