The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
You are OWU February Recipients & Presentation
The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their leadership, success and accomplishments benefiting the OWU community each month. The presentation will be Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 12:00pm on Zoom: The ceremony will recognize the following staff,…
Welcome to Kara Shroff
OWU and OhioHealth are pleased to announce that Kara Shroff has joined the Student Health Center as its new Director. A Nurse Practitioner, Kara has been a Registered Nurse with OhioHealth since 2010 and has experience working with college students…
Take Delaware County Transit’s FLEX Bus Survey
Delaware County Transit (DCT) is conducting a survey until Feb. 28 to determine rider interest in additional hours for its FLEX service, which enables riders to be picked up at the curb of the location they choose. FLEX service currently operates…
Link to AVI Menus Now Available in Each OWU Daily
AVI Fresh posts menus for all of its campus dining areas online at When you’re on the AVI site, select the dining location of your choice, such as Smith Dining Hall or Marketplace, and then look for the “view menu”…
Tuesday @ 6:30 pm – First Spring Meeting of the Sustainability Task Force!
Are you an OWU student, faculty, or staff member who cares about the environment and wants to help make OWU campus and the Delaware community more sustainable? The STF is a group of people like you who meet monthly to…
Guidelines for In-Person Campus Events, Athletics Attendance
Beginning today, Feb. 22, we will allow limited gatherings for student events and open athletic competitions for a limited number of pre-registered students and employees. Swim meets will not be open to spectators. Here are the guidelines for student and…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
OWU Mortar Board is looking for Nominations for New Members!
Dear Junior/Senior Ohio Wesleyan Students, The Monnett Chapter of Mortar Board is seeking nominations for new members! Mortar Board is a National Honor Society for Seniors who have gone out of their way to demonstrate the three tiers of leadership,…
Wed. Dec. 8th @ 12:00 pm – Grab A Stress Relief Bag at HamWill!
The OWU Student Honors Board will be handing out FREE Stress Relief Bags on Wednesday, Dec. 8th in the Hamill atrium! Get geared up for finals and studying with goodies like: Stress balls! Popcorn! Candy! Stickers! etc! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…
On-Campus Employment Opportunities
OWU departments are looking to hire students for Spring Semester! All open positions for on-campus student employment are posted through Career Connection’s Handshake Portal: If you have questions on how to access Handshake, just ask! Once you have logged…
Today – BCI/FBI Background Checks On Campus 9am-2pm
Taking an education course with a required field experience this spring? Working at the Early Childhood Center? You will need to secure a BCI/FBI Background Check prior to your field experience or employment. The Education Department is hosting Biometric Information…
Interested in Divine 9? Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. – Pause with the Poodles 12/7
Iota Sigma Nu Worthington Alumna Central Region Undergrads of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. invite you to Pause with the Poodles. Join Sigma Gamma Rho for a relaxing start to finals, Learn study tips & tricks and grab some snacks…
Winter Drumline Sessions starting Jan. 9!
Hey Bishops! Did you play drums in high school? Have you wanted to learn what it’s like to be on a drumline? Starting in January after the break, we will be starting a twice a month drumline session! This is…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Oct. 5 @ 10 a.m. – Scalar Workshop for OH5 Faculty
The Five Colleges of Ohio Digital Collaborations Group would like to invite you to attend a workshop focused on Scalar, a robust tool for developing pedagogical digital projects. The workshop will be held at Denison University on Saturday, October 5,…
Oct. 3 – Blackboard Learn Update
Blackboard’s next update to its LMS will be released Oct. 3. It features these enhancements, as well as many minor improvements and bug fixes: Bulk download submissions: Instructors can now download multiple student assignment submissions at once as a ZIP…
TODAY @ NOON – Online Teaching Roundtable
You are invited to a roundtable discussion about online teaching today at noon in Elliott 001. Over a brown-bag lunch, OWU faculty who have taught online during the summer session will share their experiences and answer questions, both about the…
University Classifieds
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