The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Ask A Bishop: Social Justice Through the Lens of Faith
Dr. Chad Johns ’02, University Chaplain, and Khadija Adams ’04, invite you to join them for a discussion on how religious faith informs the work for racial justice. Khadija Garrison Adams ’04, a proud New Orleanian, Black woman, wife, mother,…
Looking for Co-Host for April 24 Sexual Awareness Event!
We are looking for a womxn speaker to help co-host an April 24 event being put on by Empower OWU to raise awareness about Sexual Assault! Please apply using the Google form below if you’re interested and we will reach…
12 Days of 12th Night
As part of the Ohio Wesleyan Department of Theatre and Dance production of “Twelfth Night, 2020,” we will be hosting a twelve-day-long event to bring awareness to the themes and ideas explored in the play (that opens this April 23!).…
Help Save Lives, Participate in the OWU Red Cross Blood Drive
Sign up to donate blood on Monday, May 3 from 10 am to 3 pm here at OWU (Branch Rickey Complex)! All staff and students are encouraged to help SEAL save lives, with a donation. Donations only take about 30…
April 24 – We Persisted: Sexual Assault Awareness Rally
In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness month, Empower OWU is hosting a Sexual Assault Awareness Rally on April 24 from 2pm-5pm on the JAY. There will be different stations on self-care, learning how to report, what to do as a…
Green Week 2021: Activities All Week!
Celebrate, advocate, and educate yourself for the good of the planet this week, with events brought to you by the Sustainability Task Force, SEAL, and OWU Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Here is the schedule: MONDAY, 4.19: Calling drive with Citizens’ Climate…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
March 30 @ 12:15-12:45 PM – NAfME Noise
This is one of our Music in Our Schools Month events. Come joins us on the Jaywalk on Wednesday, March 30. We will provide buckets and drumsticks so come bang out your stress! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: NAfME. Contact: Katie Lester…
March 31 @ 7:30 PM – Trivia Night with the Honors Board!
Join the OWU Student Honors Board in Benes Room B on Thursday, March 31st for Jeopardy themed Trivia! Register your teams of 2-8 people using the link here: ! Prizes And Free Food Available!! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Student Honors…
Laureate 🏆 Award – NOW OPEN
ATTN: FALL & SPRING ENG 105 students! Now open! Please see our poster for information on The Laureate Award for Expository Writing in ENG 105 and scan the QR code to open the Instructions page for submission. DO NOT hesitate…
Wellness Tip of the Day: Emotional and Mental Health
Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. The following link provides resources related to the many ways we can care for our emotional wellbeing and includes further reading options for…
Apply Now! 2022-2023 First-Generation Financial Analyst Intern
The Department of Business Affairs is hiring for a First-Generation Financial Analyst Intern for the 2022-2023 academic year! The Financial Analyst Intern will engage in budget monitoring and analysis, including performing actual-to-budget variance analysis. The selected candidate will also create…
March 29 @ 4 PM – Spring First-Gen Social
For first-gen* students, staff, and faculty, and those in solidarity with us. Come for snacks, beverages, and community! Join us for a casual gathering and an opportunity to connect with other first-gen students, faculty, and staff before the end of…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Feb. 6 – OWU Fac/Staff Book Club, Noon in FSDR
The OWU Faculty-Staff book club has returned this spring with the selection of “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo. The book club will meet about once a month starting on Thursday, Feb. 6, at noon in the Faculty-Staff Dining Room (HWCC).…
Ceramics Workshops for Faculty and Staff Thursdays in February!
Kristina Bogdanov from Fine Arts has offered to conduct another set of ceramics workshops for faculty and staff! These sessions will be on Thursdays from 12-1 pm in Haycock Hall for four weeks, beginning Thursday, February 13th. The cost is…
TIAA Individual Financial Counseling Sessions 2020 – Financial Wellness!
Faculty and Staff can receive retirement counseling on campus through the University’s TIAA representative, Michael Dooley. No matter where you are in life – just getting started or planning for retirement, a session with Michael Dooley can help you create…
University Classifieds
Money Found
Money found outside 4 Williams. Let me know the number of bills and their denominations to claim. Thanks! Contact: Cole Hatcher @
Money Found
Money found outside 4 Williams. Let me know the number of bills and their denominations to claim. Thanks! Contact: Cole Hatcher @
Flash Drives for OWjL Campers
We are looking for any unused flash drives you would be willing to donate to OWjL Camp. These will be used or given to our campers next summer. We are in Univ Hall room 024. If we are not in…
Questions? Contact us at