The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Twelfth Night Debuts Today!
“Twelfth Night, 2020” is a contemporary adaptation of Shakespeare’s original which refocuses the text on the LGBTQIA+ community representation and inclusivity, set within circumstances that underscore the vital importance of peaceful protest as the voice of a community. We hope…
Help Save Lives, Participate in the OWU Red Cross Blood Drive
Sign up to donate blood on Monday, May 3 from 10 am to 3 pm here at OWU (Branch Rickey Complex)! All staff and students are encouraged to help SEAL save lives, with a donation. Donations only take about 30…
TODAY – We Persisted event from 5-7 pm
In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness month, Empower OWU is hosting a Sexual Assault Awareness Rally on April 23 from 5pm-7pm on the JAY. There will be different stations on self-care, learning how to report, what to do as a…
May 3 – Ask a Bishop: Joey Kinsley ’16 aka Sir Yacht
Join OWU Alumni and Friends on May 3, 7:30- 8:30 pm as we continue the Ask a Bishop program and invite Joey Kinsley ‘16 aka Sir Yacht to explain his journey with social media. Joey Kinsley has created a large…
April 28 – Denim Day for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Denim Day: Wear jeans with purpose! Join millions of people across the world as they wear jeans with a purpose, support survivors, and educate themselves and others about all forms of sexual violence. Why Denim? The campaign began after a…
April 28 – Ask a Bishop: Low Country Cooking With Rock & Melissa Jones
Join President Rock and Melissa Jones as they create some of their favorite low country dishes, share recipes, and have some fun. At this event, the Cooking Matter program will be joining them in this awesome experience. To register and…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
April 14 @ 7:30 PM – Bishop Launch Program Info Session 1
Join OWU Career Catalyst Mindy Agin for the first information session about the Fall ’22 Bishop Launch Program! BLP is designed to help you become a confident, competent, and competitive internship and job seeker. By coming to the info session,…
Help Make OWU Become the Best It Can Be!
If you’re a SENIOR or FIRST-YEAR student, the 15 minutes you take to complete NSSE can make a big impact on the future of Ohio Wesleyan University. Survey invitations arrive via campus email on April 5. NSSE collects information about…
Go To Tanzania: Change Your Life: Fall 2023
The OWU in Tanzania program is accepting applications for its Fall 2023 semester-long program. The program is open to all majors and minors. Students complete an internship and 4 courses: 1) East African culture – which involves travels to national…
April 5 @ 4:30 PM – OWU Faith & Justice Meeting
You are invited to join OWU Faith & Justice at our last regular meeting of the semester on Tuesday, April 5, at 4:30 PM in Crider Lounge in HWCC. We will be discussing LGBTQIA+ justice issues in current events as…
PAID INTERNSHIPS in the Dept. of Biological Sciences for 2022-2023
Interested in an on-campus paid internship in the Department of Biological Sciences for the 2022-2023 academic year? 1) Culture Curator in Microbiology 2) Natural History Museum Curator and Chemical Hygiene Coordinator 3) Fish Care Intern 4) Scanning Electron Microscope Student…
TODAY! WCSA Student Body Elections
The student body election to elect your 2022/2023 academic year WCSA (student government) representatives is TODAY, April 1, from 8 am – 9 pm. Check your OWU email for instructions on how to vote online. Positions up for election include:…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Submit Proposals Now – StAP and Legacy Internships
Faculty and Staff may now submit a proposal for a StAP and/or Legacy Internship for 2020-2021. Deadline is Sunday, March 8. The guidelines, timeline, and application form can be found on the website below. StAP Proposal Application Legacy Proposal…
Healthcare Questions? Apta is here for you!
Apta presentations & individual sessions will be held on Tuesday, February 18th. Open Sessions will be held at 9 AM & 12:10 PM in Merrick 301 Individual Sessions are available in University Hall, Room 015 Do you need a refresher…
Don’t be Bothered with Another Piece of Paper!
Did you receive your OWU W2 tax form in the mail recently? Help OWU use our resources in a better way – Go Paperless today! OWU employees are encouraged to go paperless and receive their IRS W-2 form electronically through…
University Classifieds
Part-Time Job Located Next to Campus for OWU Legacy Family
Jill Timmons ’84 is looking to hire a few OWU students to help assist her father, Frank Timmons ’52, in his home on Montrose Ave near the President’s house. Duties include enjoyable interaction with wonderful alumni, help with meals, walks…
Part-Time Job Located Next to Campus for OWU Legacy Family
Jill Timmons ’84 is looking to hire a few OWU students to help assist her father, Frank Timmons ’52, in his home on Montrose Ave near the President’s house. Duties include enjoyable interaction with wonderful alumni, help with meals, walks…
Need Cheap REL 151 Textbooks?
Taking Religion 151: Critical Issues of Religion and Ethics next semester or any time in your college career? Looking to save some serious money on textbooks? I have all three textbooks that you will need for the class for sale.…
Questions? Contact us at