The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

July 2 – Join Main Street Delaware for First Friday!

Main Street Delaware is celebrating Independence Day with a First Friday “Chalk It Up for Freedom!” sidewalk chalk art party that includes live music and a classic car show. During the July 2 event, everyone is invited to decorate the…

Daily Symptom Tracker – Check Ins No Longer Necessary

Faculty, staff, and students no longer need to report daily symptoms using the Campus Clear app. The reminders have been disabled at this time. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services. Contact: Brian Rellinger at

Institutionally Sponsored International Travel

Beginning 1 July, OWU’s policy for international travel will change. Please see  for more information. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection / IOCP. Contact: Darrell Albon at

Daily Symptom Tracker – Check Ins No Longer Necessary

Faculty, staff, and students no longer need to report daily symptoms using the Campus Clear app. The reminders have been disabled at this time. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Services. Contact: Brian Rellinger at

OWU Daily Summer Publication Schedule

The OWU Daily is now publishing weekly each Monday through Aug. 16, when daily publication resumes. Please submit all postings before noon on the Thursday prior to your desired Monday publication date. Thank you and have a great summer! –The OWU Daily editors

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Is it Allergies, a Cold, the Flu, or COVID-19?

Is it Allergies, a Cold, the Flu, or COVID-19?  Student Health Center Reminders: We have FLU shots available! Call ex.3160 to schedule an appointment! Please do not walk into the Health Center if you have symptoms of COVID (ie: runny…

TODAY @ 11 a.m. – Career and Grad School Fair

Come to the Career and Grad School Fair TODAY! Between 11 AM and 2 PM, over 90 employers and grad/professional schools will be on campus to network, recruit, and hire OWU students. This year the fair will be in the…

Check Out a Hammock!

The Wilderness Ministry Office has free hammocks to check out. Get outside and enjoy the early fall weather! You can borrow one for up to three days. Come by HWCC 401 to get one or email William Hayes with any…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Enhancements to Blackboard Learn Coming Aug. 6

The upcoming release to Blackboard Learn, our learning management system, includes these new and improved features, and will be applied to our system on Thursday, 8 Additional sources for embedded media in the text editor (Ultra course view): This release…

Accounting Office Visitor Protocol

Starting August 3, 2020, the Accounting Office will have different office procedures.  These will be reevaluated as needed to accommodate demand and the effects of COVID-19 on campus. The Finance/Accounting Office staff will be staggering in office workdays: 1. Team…

FY20 Financial Close Deadline is Aug. 7, 2020

The members of the accounting office are working to close the books on FY20.  To do that effectively, we need some help from you. Please identify any unpaid invoices and forward them to the Accounting department as soon as possible.…

University Classifieds

Ride to Michigan for Spring Break

I’m looking for a ride to Michigan for Spring Break, preferably as close as possible to Grand Rapids. I will pay for the gas. Just email me if you are heading in that direction! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Self. Contact: Adrian…

Reward: Lost AirPods

If anyone found AirPods in the Field House or in Smith, please let me know! I’ve been looking everywhere and I’d really like them back. I’ll buy you lunch or coffee or something! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: self. Contact: Zoe Rosenthal…

Ring Found on JAYWalk at Sandusky Street

A silver ring with a star-shaped base for the stone was found at the Sandusky Street cross-walk on Tuesday. It’ll be at the Information Services Help Desk lost & found to be reclaimed. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: self. Contact: David Soliday…

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