The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Professors in a Dunk Tank?

Come to the 2021 Olentangy River Festival from 1-5 p.m. Sept. 11 and check out who from OWU is in the Department of Environment and Sustainability’s dunk tank! The fundraiser will support the department’s new Outdoor Club and “OWU Outside”…

Temporary Selby Lot Closure – 9pm Today to 5pm Friday

The Selby Parking Lot will be temporarily closed from 9 pm Thursday, Sept. 9, through 5 pm Friday, Sept. 10. Please ensure your vehicle has been moved from the lot prior to 9 pm Thursday. As a reminder, additional free…

Sept. 9 @ 5pm – Sociology/Anthropology Success Series!

The Careers with Social Impact Success Series kicks off with Sociology and Anthropology this Thursday at 5pm! Are you interested in learning about the many different career paths that students have taken with the same Sociology and Anthropology Major? Join…

Sept. 16 @ 7:30pm – Online Fine Arts Program: Our Outcomes

Our Outcomes is dedicated to Fine Arts recent alumni, who will share reflections on their undergraduate experience and the professional journeys post OWU. Our Outcomes first speaker is Danielle Muzina, BFA 2013. She holds an MA degree in Painting from…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Interested in Community Service? Join the Friend’s of SEAL Newsletter!

The Service Engagement and Leadership (SEAL) SLU releases monthly newsletters detailing service opportunities within the OWU and Delaware communities. Their mission is to equip and encourage those passionate about service to mobilize and lead the OWU community to serve for…

Want to Join a Band?

Interested in joining a band and making some cool new friends who have a similar interest? Fill out this form and come chat with us! We are currently looking for a lead vocalist and bassist but are open to any other instruments besides piano, drums, and…

Apply for a Student-Faculty Committee! Open to All Grades!

Are you interested in being more involved on campus and learning more about university-related affairs? Then apply for a student-faculty committee! Each committee focuses on a different aspect of school life so apply for the one that interests you the…

Sept. 27 @ 12:10 p.m. – DoES Lunch

Join us for our DoES Lunch Event! This Tuesday, (9/27) The Environment & Sustainability Department will be hosting a DoES (Does: because we do) Lunch Event. Over the summer, several students in the department participated in awesome experiences, including internships,…

Peterson’s Test Prep Now Available for FREE!

Peterson Test Prep services are now available online to ALL students for free! The site includes a number of test prep services, including Graduate Admission Exams preparation. This service is being made available to students through funding provided to the…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Oct. 2 & 23- Flu Vaccines for OWU Employees

As the CDC states: Getting a flu vaccine is more important than ever today to protect everyone from the flu and help reduce the strain on healthcare systems responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. To support everyone’s safety and well-being, Ohio…

Duplicating Closed Today and Oct. 2

Duplicating will be closed today, Sept. 25, and Oct. 2. Please plan accordingly. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Duplicating Department. Contact: Jill Kerins at

Death of Former Staff Member Jean Fisher

We are sad to share that former OWU staff member Rhonda “Jean” Fisher passed away Wednesday, Sept. 23, in Delaware after an extended illness. Her family includes current OWU Public Safety Officer Jackie Harmony. Jean, who was 74, retired from…

University Classifieds

Work Study Workers Needed for Track Meet Saturday

We are in need of 20 work study students to work various roles with the track & field meet held this Sat., April 13 at Selby Stadium. Shifts are available for however many hours you’d like between 10:00 a.m. and…

Cardboard Boxes Needed!

I am looking for cardboard boxes, medium to large, for my house project, which will include the collection of atypical recyclables including pens, markers, pencils, books, craft/office supplies, etcetera. If you have any boxes you do not need, please send…

Today! Italian Dinner Fundraiser for Homeless Families

Family Promise of Delaware County (a homeless shelter designed for families) will be holding its annual Italian Dinner Fundraiser from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church (close to Phillips Hall). Included in the meal is spaghetti,…

Questions? Contact us at