The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Submit to the English Department Blog!

The English Department’s student-run blog, The Sturges Script, is now accepting submissions! This semester, the blog’s main focus will be on paying homage to art in its every form–from literature to music, film, the visual arts, and absolutely everything in…

Sept. 16 @ 1-6pm – Raising Canes Fundraiser for OWU Cheer

On Thursday, September 16th, OWU Cheer is having a fundraiser at Raising Canes from 1pm to 6pm located at 720 Sunbury Rd, Delaware, OH 43015. Make sure to mention that you are here for the Ohio Wesleyan University Cheerleading team,…

Sept. 16 @ 4:30pm – Benes Rooms – LIFE RAFT DEBATE!

The Student Honors Board Presents: LIFE RAFT DEBATE (Benes Rooms). It is the end of the world as we know it. There is one spot left on a life raft heading for safe land and a new start. Whose skills…

Submit to the English Department Blog!

The English Department’s student-run blog, The Sturges Script, is now accepting submissions! This semester, the blog’s main focus will be on paying homage to art in its every form–from literature to music, film, the visual arts, and absolutely everything in…

Sept. 22 @ 4pm – First-Gen Social

First-Gen Social, Wednesday, Sept. 22, (4-5:30 pm) at the tent between Beeghly Library and Corns. For first-gen* students, staff, and faculty, and those in solidarity with us. Come for snacks, beverages, and community! * First-Gen students/graduates are those people whose parents do…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Oct. 6 @ 4:30 p.m. – Explore Accounting Firm, Maloney + Novotny

Representatives from Maloney + Novotny will be on campus to provide internship and company information followed by a building tour (within walking distance) and ending with a few appetizers and conversation! Register on Handshake Start Time: 4:30 PM End Time:…

Culture Fest 2022 Registration Open Now! *New Date – Oct. 22 @ 5 p.m.*

Horizons International aims to represent and promote the interests of the diverse OWU community. Culture Fest is a chance for you to represent your culture through performances and other forms of display. Register your individual self, a group of you or your student org to…

Join Spanish Club!

Are you a native speaker or learning to speak Spanish and are looking for an inclusive group? Look no further! Spanish club is open to anyone who is interested (even if you don’t speak Spanish)! Through this club, we will learn new…

TODAY! Pitch OWU Submission Deadline!

Do you have a big idea? Do you have a solution to a problem that you believe could change the world? Calling all OWU Students to apply for Pitch OWU, sponsored by The Woltemade Center! Compete against peers in various…

Culture Fest 2022 Registration Open Now!

Horizons International aims to represent and promote the interests of the diverse OWU community. Culture Fest is a chance for you to represent your culture through performances and other forms of display. Register your individual self, a group of you or your student org…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

University Classifieds

Thank You

The house mom of Delta Zeta would like to thank the people who stopped and helped her outside of Ham-Wil on Feb. 13 when she fell. Thank you so much for your act of kindness. She truly appreciates your help.…

LOST Pair of AirPods

I lost a pair of AirPods in the Science Center on April 11 in the second floor lounge above the zoology museum. If anyone has found them or turned them into a professor or custodial staff, please either email me…

Work Study Workers Needed for Track Meet Saturday

We are in need of 20 work study students to work various roles with the track & field meet held this Sat., April 13 at Selby Stadium. Shifts are available for however many hours you’d like between 10:00 a.m. and…

Questions? Contact us at