The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Duplicating Closed the Following Fridays

On October 1, 15, and 29, duplicating will be closed all day. Staff and Faculty mailroom will remain open. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Ohio Wesleyan University Contact: Jill Kerins at

Daughters of Leda

Ohio Wesleyan University’s Department of Performing Arts will present four performances of “Daughters of Leda” at 8 p.m. Oct. 7-8 and at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Oct. 9. The production is being directed by Cortney Knipp, M.F.A., assistant professor…

Have You Seen the Signs? Enter to Win by Oct. 2!

You may have noticed that there are 10 signs scattered around campus in front of various buildings. Each one celebrates the impact of donor support through the recently finished Connect Today, Create Tomorrow campaign. You can win a $50 OWU…

Today @ 4:30pm – Novelist Torrey Peters reading in Benes

The English Department is pleased to welcome novelist Torrey Peters as our Michael C. Quinn Memorial Lecturer on Wednesday, September 29th from 4:30-5:30pm in the Benes Rooms. Torrey Peters is the bestselling author of DETRANSITION BABY, which “brilliantly and fearlessly…

Sept. 29 @ 4pm, First-Gen Social

Wed, Sept 29 (4-5:30) on the Jay For first-gen* students, staff, and faculty, and those in solidarity with us. Come for snacks, beverages, and community! * First-Gen students/graduates are those people whose parents do not have a 4-year college degree.…

Sept. 30 @ 7:30 PM – Glow Big or Glow Home with CPB!

Bishops, kick off homecoming weekend with Glow Big or Glow Home, a bonfire complete with food, sweets, games, giveaways, and more, on Sept. 30th 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM on Frat Hill (Williams Drive). Don’t miss the OWU Marching Drumline…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Oct. 27 @ Noon – History Department Fall Social!

Join the history department for our fall social during the noon hour! Come for the free food and stay for the history-themed games! The social will be in Elliott Hall Room 101 and is open to all. See you there!…

Want To Play Video Games For Research?

We are testing the effects of action video games on various cognitive tasks and would like for you to help us out with our research! The data collection will take place in the Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (Phillips bottom floor, room…

Nov. 7 @ Noon – WCSA Townhall with Counseling Center

Join WCSA in Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Benes Room B for a townhall event with OWU’s Counseling Center! Hear all about the resources the counseling center has to offer and ask any questions! The townhall will be from noon to 1pm…

Oct. 26 & 28 – Halloween Costume Swap

Donate your old costumes and grab a new one at the OWU Halloween Costume Swap! Do you have previously worn Halloween costumes that you no longer wear? Costume pieces such as hats, props, or masks that you no longer use?…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Nov. 5 Blackboard Updates for Ultra Courses

In addition to the content editor updates in the original course view, (highlighted in a separate OWU Daily post,) the Nov. 5 release to Blackboard Learn includes these enhancements to the ultra course view. * Details & Actions items load…

University Classifieds

Lost keys

I misplaced my keys in Ham-Wil. The have a KKG key chain with an orange key reading “key I haven’t lost yet”. If you see them, you can reach me at   OWU Sponsoring Organization Contact: Landry Cowles at

Mini Fridge and Futon For Sale

I am graduating and no longer have a need for my mini fridge or futon. The fridge works great and has a freezer box inside. There are 3 shelf spaces inside as well as several different compartments in the door…

FOUND – Car Keys

Students, if you have lost your car keys please come to the student involvement office to collect them. You must be able to describe the keys in order to receive them. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Involvement office. Contact: Student Involvement…

Questions? Contact us at