The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 27 – Olentangy Watershed Forum

For the past 18 years, the Olentangy Watershed Forum has connected citizens and experts who wish to explore issues that impact the quality of life in the watershed. Join us Oct. 27 from 9 am-4 pm in Merrick Hall for…

Oct. 29-30 – Theatre Senior Project: FRAGMENTS

FRAGMENTS is a devised work that examines the role of women in society through the lens of criminalization and victimhood. How does the societal system we live in de-complexify women and paint them as criminals or victims instead of nuanced…

Oct. 29-30 – Theatre Senior Project: FRAGMENTS

FRAGMENTS is a devised work that examines the role of women in society through the lens of criminalization and victimhood. How does the societal system we live in de-complexify women and paint them as criminals or victims instead of nuanced…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Jan. 26 @ Noon – Summer Program in D.C.

Kimberly Lapina will be on campus Thursday, Jan. 26, during the noon hour to share information about the Leadership and the American Presidency program in D.C.  Come get your questions answered and learn about this amazing opportunity that your fellow…

Reminder To Complete Your FAFSA

Students who wish to be considered for need-based financial aid must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  Ohio Wesleyan’s Priority Deadline for returning students is March 1, 2023.   You may file online at Ohio Wesleyan’s Title IV Code…

Jan. 27 – Alumni Career Conversation Day: Sign Up Now!

Have you thought about speaking with an Alum about their career path, but you were too nervous to reach out? Or have you already found benefit in connecting with Alumni and are looking for another opportunity? SIGN UP TO SPEAK…

TODAY @ 4:30 p.m. – SSRP Info Session

Interested in summer research? Join the Neurds neuroscience club for our first meeting of the semester! We will be hosting an informational session about Ohio Wesleyan’s Summer Science Research Program (SSRP) today from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Smith…

Jan. 24 @ 4:30 p.m. – SSRP Info Session

Join the Neurds neuroscience club for our first meeting of the semester! We will be hosting an informational session about Ohio Wesleyan’s Summer Science Research Program (SSRP) tomorrow, January 24, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Smith Hall classroom.…

Need to Add a Class? Available Seats in THEA 101

Seats are available in Intro to Theatre (THEA 101)! The class meets Tuesday/Thursday from 10am-11:50am in Chappelear Drama Center 111. The course would fulfill a Group IV requirement for students, and would introduce them to live Theatre. Contact Bradford Sadler…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Faculty Advisor Needed!

Whether you have a pet or two or share an interest in animal rights, Pet Pals at OWU is looking for a new faculty advisor! Becoming our faculty advisor means you can be as active as you’d like in the…

Seeking March Information for OWU Events Calendars

As plans fall into place for spring events open to the general public, please share details for Ohio Wesleyan’s monthly events calendars. Monthly calendars typically are shared with news media, community groups, and local secondary schools on (approx.) the 15th…

Faculty/Staff DEI Grant Application Deadline March 1

The Council on Diversity Equity and Inclusion (CDEI) is excited to announce the launch of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Grant program. There are two separate application processes to this university-funded grant program. One process for Faculty & Staff and…

University Classifieds

Looking for 1-2 Off-Campus Roommate(s)!

I have a nice 3-bedroom house off campus (closer to academic side than dorms) and am looking for one or both rooms to be filled for the coming semester. Yard, porch, shared living space, laundry, 1 1/2 bathrooms, storage. Rent…

Lost Book – Origami

Looking for a book lost by an OWjL instructor. It is a Columbus Metropolitan Library book, and she would greatly appreciate being able to return it. Please let me know if you have found it. Thank you! Title: Origami: A…

Questions? Contact us at