The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Alumni Partner of the Week: Dr. Timothy Hawthorne!
Our Alumni Partner of the Week is Dr. Timothy Hawthorne ’03! Dr. Hawthorne is currently an Associate Professor of Geographic Information Systems at the University of Central Florida and the founder of the internationally recognized research group Citizen Science GIS.…
Nov. 1 @ Noon – Support Human Trafficking Survivors
Stop by Ham-Wil from noon to 4 pm Nov. 1 to pick up free stickers and pins along with coupons to help support survivors of human trafficking! Contact: Grace Tippens at
WinS Annual Poinsettia Sale!
The Women in Science Club is having its annual poinsettia and holiday plants fundraiser! There are a variety of plants available ranging from $10-$20. Please consider purchasing to help support our club! Payment is required upon purchase and can be…
Symphonic Wind Ensemble Concert this Sunday, Oct. 31
OWU friends and family, please join us for our first in-person live audience performance since February 2020! Featuring beloved works by Jan Van der Roost, Percy Grainger, Modest Mussorgsky, Nicole Piunno, and Karl King. This concert offers a combination of…
Brianna La Croix-Alumni Partner of the Week
Class of 2018, Brianna La Croix works as the Assistant Production Coordinator and Social Media Marketing Coordinator for ABC Studio’s Blackish. She has worked with the show since season 4 and has many responsibilities related to keeping the show up…
Theatre Senior Project: FRAGMENTS Opens Tonight!
FRAGMENTS is a devised work that examines the role of women in society through the lens of criminalization and victimhood. How does the societal system we live in de-complexify women and paint them as criminals or victims instead of nuanced…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Lakota Spring Break Service Team – Last Chance!
If you’re interested in doing service and cultural immersion with the Lakota people of South Dakota over spring break, a few spots remain on our Spring Break Service Week team. The application can be found with more program information at (including…
Feb. 2 @ 11:30 a.m. – Employer Spotlight
Looking for a summer job? Come to Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Atrium on Thursday, February 2 between 11:30 am and 1 pm to talk to Riley Weaver from Micandoh Conference Center and Rebecca Doak from Lakeside Chautauqua. Michandoh is recruiting OWU…
Share Your OWU Experience with The Princeton Review
Ohio Wesleyan University, on behalf of The Princeton Review, invites you to share about your experiences at OWU. Your insights on academics, fellow students, sports, clubs, life during the pandemic, housing, etc. provide invaluable guidance for college-bound students searching for…
Feb. 9 @ 8 p.m. – Be My Optimistic Valentine!
Join 3rd floor Smith East in creating optimistic and motivational heart decorations to hang in the residential areas! Meet in 3rd floor east lounge at 8pm on Feb. 9! Hope to see you there! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Residential Life Contact:…
Summer Internships – Admission Office
The Admission Office is hiring 3 interns for this summer. These internships are paid positions and will include paid housing. More details and the application can be found on Handshake. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Admission Office Contact: Julie Weller at
Apply TODAY for ASTR 102: Space Exploration: Past, Present, and Future Travel-Learning Course to Japan
We are now accepting applications for ASTR 102: Space Exploration: Past, Present, and Future, a travel-learning course taught by Dr. Robert Harmon in May 2023 ( Join us as we study the history of space exploration, from pioneering developments in…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Now Accepting Legacy Supervisor Proposals
It is now time for faculty and staff to start working on and submitting their Legacy Internship proposals. The Legacy program allows faculty, staff, and departments to hire a paid legacy student intern to assist with special event programming and…
Now Accepting StAP Supervisor Proposals
It is now time for faculty and staff to start working on and submitting their Student Assistantship Program (StAP) work proposals. StAP allows faculty, staff, and departments to hire a paid student intern to assist with special event programming and…
Looking for Advisor
The Newman Community is currently looking for a new advisor for our group. We went last semester without an advisor, so we are trying to find someone that is wanting to be the new advisor. In the past, we have…
University Classifieds
Interested in Discussing Period Films?
It is a universally acknowledged truth that … period films are the best films! A small group of students is looking to discuss period films on campus and wants to see who all would be interested! Please email Maddie Matos…
Lost Gemstone Found
A gemstone was found on Wednesday, Aug. 28. Must provide description and details to claim. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Information Systems. Contact: Brian Rellinger at
For Sale – 1999 Used Mazda
I am selling my old car. It is a sturdy, Mazda 1999 that has ~200k miles on it. It is currently running but has some issues. I do not have the means to repair the Mazda right now. It has…
Questions? Contact us at