The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Nov. 4 @ 4:10pm – The Cool Side of Lizard Diversity in Caribbean Anoles
Join us for a seminar to learn about the cool side of lizard diversity in Caribbean anoles presented by Brooke Bodensteiner, PhD Candidate, Yale University. Snacks provided. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Biological Science Department Contact: JUDY ARLINGTON at
Food Drive Hosted by Circle K in Ham-Wil!
Please donate non-perishable foods and canned goods to the box in Ham-Wil! All items will be given to the Delaware People in Need Food Pantry. The food drive will run from Nov. 1-16. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Circle K Community Service…
WinS Annual Poinsettia Sale!
The Women in Science Club is having its annual poinsettia and holiday plants fundraiser! There are a variety of plants available ranging from $10-$20. Please consider purchasing to help support our club! Payment is required upon purchase and can be…
Nov. 2 @ 12-1 pm – Wednesday Protest Debrief in Benes A
On Wednesday 10/27, Sister Cindy and Jed were spreading hate speech and there were students counter protesting. OMSA will be hosting a debrief from the protest that happened on Wednesday. The debrief will happen in Benes A on Tuesday 11/2…
Nov. 18 – OWU Trivia Night! Register now!
Open to faculty, staff, students, student organizations and athletic teams! Register at Gather a team of four to eight players for a friendly game of trivia against your fellow OWU Bishops. Teams can include OWU alumni, students, faculty, staff,…
Nov. 2 – Hispanic Film Festival at the Strand
Join us for the fourth screening of the Hispanic Film Festival. El botón de nácar (The Pearl Button), a Chilean documentary by director Patricio Guzmán which examines with a beautiful cinematography the link between Patagonian waterways and genocide. Location: Other,…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Feb. 14 @ Noon – The Bishop Way Valentines and Raffle
Come to Hamilton-Williams Campus Center during lunch hour on Valentine’s Day for a chance to win gift cards — and to grab some fun Valentines centered around consent! The grand prize will be a fun night out to The Strand…
Want to Make an Impact? Join WCSA!
WCSA (Wesleyan Council on Student Affairs) is Ohio Wesleyan’s student government organization. It handles issues like academic affairs, student and residential life, and student inclusion and advocacy. WCSA is currently holding elections for senate positions. Any student is able (and…
Feb. 8 – Affordable Study Abroad/Away with Arcadia University!
Are you interested in studying abroad in Australia, England, Scotland, Italy, Spain, or New Zealand? Or maybe a semester-long internship in Philly? Would you like to learn how to go away/abroad affordably? Come meet our study away partner from Arcadia…
TODAY @ Noon – Comm Travel Abroad Workshop
Calling all Communication majors/minors! TODAY at the Comm lounge in Philips hall from 12pm-1, the Communication Student Board is hosting a travel abroad workshop for students who are interested, who have questions, or want to know more about studying abroad…
Feb. 8 @ 7 p.m. – College Democrats First Meeting
After becoming inactive, the College Democrats is restarting and having its first meeting on February 7th @ 7 PM on the second floor between Smith West and East in the common space. We will be talking about what we want…
Feb. 7 @ Noon – Comm Travel Abroad Workshop
Calling all Communication majors!! TOMORROW from 12pm-1 in the Comm lounge in Philips, the Communication Student Board hosts a travel abroad workshop for students who are interested, who have any questions, or want to know more about traveling abroad as…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Feb. 23 – Teaching Circle: Tech Tools
All faculty and instructional staff are welcome to join us at this semester’s first Teaching Circle! As we continue teaching in new (and often mixed) environments, instructors are showing tremendous creativity as we adapt. Join us to learn what is…
Interested in joining an OWU Writing Group?
Are you interested in joining a faculty/staff writing group focused on academic projects? The proposed group will provide structure and motivation for making continuous progress on an academic project. Projects might include articles, book chapters, conference presentations, grant proposals, creative…
Now Accepting Legacy Supervisor Proposals
It is now time for faculty and staff to start working on and submitting their Legacy Internship proposals. The Legacy program allows faculty, staff, and departments to hire a paid legacy student intern to assist with special event programming and…
University Classifieds
Residential Life is Hiring!
Residential Life is hiring for its Office Assistant position! We have multiple positions to fill, and employment will start immediately upon hire. Learn more about the position and fill out an application at OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Residential Life. Contact: OWU…
Seeking Student Workers to Film Football Practices & Games
The OWU Football Team seeks student workers to help film practices and home games. General hours are 4-6 p.m. or 6-8 p.m., depending on whether we have an early or late practice. Home games are held on Saturdays, with either…
Need A Job? The Duplicating Department is Hiring
The Duplicating Department is looking to hire several students to work in its department that have work study. Learn how to process mail in the mail room, do finishing work in the duplicating department and be able to deliver paper…
Questions? Contact us at