The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

OWU Chamber Orchestra Fall 2021 Concert – Nov. 9 @ 8pm

The OWU Chamber Orchestra’s fall program, Rêverie, features beautiful music that can elicit a dreamy or musing state. Works are by Erik Satie, Edvard Grieg, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Claude Debussy, and César Franck. Admission is free and masks are required. Tuesday,…

OWU Trivia Night!

Open to faculty, staff, students, student organizations and athletic teams!! Register at Gather a team of four – eight players for a friendly game of trivia against your fellow OWU Bishops. Teams can include OWU alumni, students, faculty, staff,…

Send a kind message through the Circle K Kindness Campaign!

Circle K is continuing its annual tradition of a Kindness Campaign for exchanging uplifting messages around campus this year! Fill out a Google Form to send messages to students, faculty, and staff, or stop by the Hamwill Atrium 11/8, 11/9,…

Nov. 13 @ 5:30pm – Diwali, Festival of lights

Join Horizons in the Faculty/Staff dining room in HWCC this Saturday, Nov. 13, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, in celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights! Partake in fun activities like Diya painting, sparkler fun with free traditional Indian food! Get…

OWU Chamber Orchestra Fall 2021 Concert – Nov. 9 @ 8 pm

The OWU Chamber Orchestra’s fall program, Rêverie, features beautiful music that can elicit a dreamy or musing state. Works are by Erik Satie, Edvard Grieg, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Claude Debussy, and César Franck. Admission is free and masks are required. Tuesday,…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Feb. 17 @ 8 p.m. – OMSA Drag Show!

Please join us on Feb 17th from 8-10 pm at the Chappelear Drama Center for Blackness: From Infinity To Beyond. The OMSA Office will be holding a futuristic Drag show featuring: Mikayla Denise Robyn DaCultyre Bianca Debonaire Maya Bizzness This…

Feb. 14 @ 4:10 p.m. – Truman Scholarship Info Session

There will be an information session about the Harry S. Truman Scholarship on Tuesday, February 14 at 4:10 PM in Elliott 101. This prestigious scholarship provides significant funding for graduate school and is targeted at those interested in public service careers.…


Do you love language? SLUSH HOLD! Applications are live now until midnight Feb. 19th! The House of Linguistic Diversity is a small living unit that unites people from all backgrounds who have the passion and drive to learn languages, to create, to reach…

Feb. 16 @ Noon – Study Abroad in Spain Info Session

Study abroad in Spain during the summer or next year! Join us for an info session this Thursday, February 16th @ 12-1pm in University Hall 213 to learn more about OWU’s signature program at the Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona,…

Get Your Nominations in for Annual Faculty Awards!

Everyone in the campus community is invited to submit faculty nominations for the University’s annual teaching and scholarly or artistic achievement awards (descriptions/past winners may be seen here: ). This year, three will be selected: * Shankland Teaching Award * Welch…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Seeking April Information for OWU Events Calendars

As plans fall into place for spring events open to the general public, please share details for Ohio Wesleyan’s monthly events calendars. Monthly calendars typically are shared with news media, community groups, and local secondary schools on (approx.) the 15th…

Now Accepting – Legacy Supervisor Proposals

It is now time for faculty and staff to start working on and submitting their Legacy Internship proposals. The Legacy program allows faculty, staff, and departments to hire a paid legacy student intern to assist with special event programming and…


The OWU Chess club will be coming to campus this semester hopefully March 15. We are in need of a faculty advisor and no chess experience is needed! The OWU Chess club is also recruiting members at the moment. You…

University Classifieds

Necklace Found

A necklace was found in the Edgar Parking Lot. Please contact Andrea or stop in The Provost Office, University Hall Rm 107 to claim. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Provost Office. Contact: Andrea Ryan at

Mentor Delaware City Kids – Become A BIG!

Delaware City Kids need YOU! Mentors are needed for the Big Brothers Big Sisters after school mentoring program on Tuesdays from 3-5 p.m. at the Willis Education Center (located one block from campus). Have fun and make a difference! A…

Lost Ring, Very Important To Me!

I have recently lost a ring on campus. I believe I last left it in University Hall or Merrick Hall. It is small and silver with several fake diamonds on the edges and a larger diamond in the middle. It…

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