The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

NCAA Men’s Soccer First Round Ticket Prices

The NCAA Men’s Soccer First and Second Round is being held this Friday and Saturday at Roy Rike Field! Check out the game schedule and ticket prices! Ohio Wesleyan University vs. Knox College: Friday at 4:00 PM The University of…

Nov. 13 @ 5:30pm – Diwali, Festival of lights

Join Horizons in the Faculty/Staff dining room in HWCC this Saturday, Nov. 13, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, in celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights! Partake in fun activities like Diya painting, sparkler fun with free traditional Indian food! Get…

Send a kind message through the Circle K Kindness Campaign!

Circle K is continuing its annual tradition of a Kindness Campaign for exchanging uplifting messages around campus this year! Fill out a Google Form to send messages to students, faculty, and staff, or stop by the Hamwill Atrium 11/8, 11/9,…

NCAA Men’s Soccer First Round Ticket Prices

The NCAA Men’s Soccer First and Second Round is being held this Friday and Saturday at Roy Rike Field! Check out the game schedule and ticket prices! Ohio Wesleyan University vs. Knox College: Friday at 4:00 PM The University of…

Meet the Creative Writing Faculty & Reading – TODAY @ 4:10

Please join Professor Amy Butcher and Professor David Caplan for a joint reading and Meet the Creative Writing Faculty at Ohio Wesleyan event on Tuesday, Nov. 9, from 4:10-5:10 pm in the Bayley Room of Beeghly Library. Both authors will…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Apply to Live in Tree House!

For anyone interested in living in an environmentally-minded community that does individual projects, group bonding, and community service surrounding sustainability, apply here! Applications are due by midnight on Sunday the 19th. Then please sign up for interview time slots for the…

SLUsh Interfaith!

The Interfaith SLU is now accepting applications! If you’re interested in conversations surrounding religion, consider applying to IF. We are a community full of diverse people who are dedicated to promoting religious acceptance. We’re open to everyone, no matter what…

Feb. 17 @ 4:30 p.m. – Clothing Swap and Upcycling

CAH’s last slush event will be a clothing swap and upcycling event! You can bring any article of clothing that you wish to swap out or you can bring something that you wish to revamp! We will have some supplies…

Bill McDonough in Career Connection Office TOMORROW!

Have you been looking for help with a resume or cover letter? We can help! Alum Bill McDonough ’74, a marketing/advertising executive & president of his own branding company, will be here in Career Connection (Slocum 207) for several dates…

Feb. 15 @ 6 p.m. – HOLD Open House

If you like learning languages, like learning about culture through language, and want to meet other students who are into words, drop by HOLD anytime on Wednesday between 6 pm and 9 pm for our open house! We’ll have crafts,…

Calling All Student Organizations – Attend The Bishop Leadership Series!

The Bishop Leadership Series provides student organizations with great opportunities to participate in valuable trainings about leadership, administration, and community development within their groups! The series will take place from 12:10 p.m. – 1 p.m. in HWCC 312, see below…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Mar. 5 – BigTree Introductory Training

Information Services is providing an open training session on BigTree CMS on Friday, March 16 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The training will be held on Zoom. Learn how to manage your department’s or program’s web presence on our…

Seeking April Information for OWU Events Calendars

As plans fall into place for spring events open to the general public, please share details for Ohio Wesleyan’s monthly events calendars. Monthly calendars typically are shared with news media, community groups, and local secondary schools on (approx.) the 15th…

Now Accepting – StAP Supervisor Proposals

It is now time for faculty and staff to start working on and submitting their Student Assistantship Program (StAP) work proposals. StAP allows faculty, staff, and departments to hire a paid student intern to assist with special event programming and…

University Classifieds

Lost Wallet by Stuyvesant

I lost a black wallet in the back of Stuyvesant. If you find it, please email me Thank you! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Self Contact: Agustin Velasquez at

Mentor Delaware City Kids – Become A BIG!

Delaware City Kids need YOU! Mentors are needed for the Big Brothers Big Sisters after school mentoring program on Tuesdays from 3-5 p.m. at the Willis Education Center (located one block from campus). Have fun and make a difference! A…

Necklace Found

A necklace was found in the Edgar Parking Lot. Please contact Andrea or stop in The Provost Office, University Hall Rm 107 to claim. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Provost Office. Contact: Andrea Ryan at

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