The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Attention: Smith Hall Parking Advisory for Nov. 22
On Monday, Nov. 22, repairs will be made to a portion of the Smith Hall parking lot. All vehicles will need to be removed from the east side of the lot no later later than 9 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21. The…
Thanksgiving Break Hours for the OWU Libraries Beginning Saturday, Nov. 20
Thanksgiving break hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed on the libraries’ website at Any changes to our hours will also be found on our website. Please note that during the hours Beeghly is officially closed, the Bashford…
Alumni Partner of the Week!
This week’s Alumni Partner shoutout is William D. Hardie M.D. ’85. Dr. Hardie is a pediatric pulmonologist and a professor of pediatrics, division of pulmonary medicine, having worked at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center since 1990! He treats general pediatric…
Duplicating closed during Thanksgiving break
Duplicating will be closed November 22 through November 24. Staff mailroom will remain open but on shorter hours. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Duplicating. Contact: Jill Kerins at
OWU Podcast Recommendations
Those looking for a new podcast should try listening to “How I Built This” from NPR. This podcast is hosted by Guy Raz and dives into the stories behind some of the world’s best-known companies with the innovators, entrepreneurs, and…
Have a Happy and Healthy Break!
The student health center staff wishes you a safe, relaxing, and fun break! These tips can help make it happen… 1. Ditch the perfection mentality. 2. Carve out some time for self-care. 3. Allow yourself time to rest. 4. Take…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
March 2 @ 7 p.m. – Bishops for Accessibility Meeting
We are a new on-campus organization that aims to provide a safe space for disabled students and those who are allies to the disabled community. Our purpose is to educate, inform, advocate, and spread awareness about disabilities and issues concerning…
Feb. 23 @ 9 p.m. – Soul Train Singo
Join us for a night of Soul Train Singo (bingo with songs) to celebrate Black History Month! We’ll be playing some of the best R&B, Soul, & Hip-hop hits for you to guess and win prizes for. Prizes include a…
NEW Transcript Articles! Read About Student Perspectives On Campus Issues!
Want to read about the happenings on campus? Want to hear from students on OWU issues? Read The Transcript! We are a student-run online publication, and we post new articles every Monday. Find our website here. Check out our Instagram @transcriptowu for more…
Feb. 23 @ 4:15 p.m. – Study Abroad in Milan, Italy: Information Session
A representative from UNICATT Milan ( ) will be on-campus to meet students this Thursday from 4:15 to 5:30 PM in Slocum Hall, Room 310. UNICATT offers programs in English for all of our majors and also has internship opportunities available. There…
Feb. 28 @ 6:30 p.m. – COMM LEARN ABOUT CAREERS
The Comm Board is hosting another Comm Learn About Careers Panel: Recent Graduate edition on February 28 from 6:30-7:30 on Zoom! Our panelists are former Comm Board members Megan Sheridan ’22 and Mohammad Niazi ’22 Register on Handshake using this…
Feb. 26 – Camp Leader Deadline
Deadline to Apply is 11:59pm, Sunday Feb. 26th Apply to be a 2023 Camp Oh-Wooo Camp Leader at: We are looking for students with leadership potential, and an interest in positively impacting the lives of OWU students. It is our…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Faculty & Staff Bible Study, Tues., March 9 @Noon
Faculty & Staff Bible Study is meeting virtually! March 9 @Noon You cannot “fall behind” as we study a different verse each meeting. Come share your faith and recharge your spirit! For more information contact Maureen Reese OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…
OWU Director of Human Resources Campus Open Sessions with Faculty/Staff
All Faculty / Staff are invited to attend via Zoom the open sessions with the finalists for the Director of Human Resources position. Open sessions for the three finalists will be hosted on the following dates/times: • Tuesday, March 9 from…
Meek Leadership Awards – Call for Nominations
The Meek Leadership Awards were established with a contribution from Phillip J. Meek and Nancy LaPorte Meek, both 1959 OWU graduates. OWU seniors who have demonstrated exceptional leadership service during their years at Ohio Wesleyan and show promise to sustain…
University Classifieds
Lost Something? Come to the SIO!
We have found: – two semi-dark tint sunglasses (one gold linings and one silver linings) -silver-colored bracelet -one gold-colored hoop earring -a baggy with a button engraved “M&Co” -one stud earring -a men’s size 13 black sneakers -camo backpack -Burt’s…
Water Bottle Lost in University Hall
Blue aluminum Ozark water bottle left in University Hall 208. If found, please contact 937-844-3957 or OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Self. Contact: Blake Phillips at
Water Bottle Lost in University Hall
Blue aluminum Ozark water bottle left in University Hall 208. If found, please contact 937-844-3957 or OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Self. Contact: Blake Phillips at
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