The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Alumni Partner of the Week!

This week’s Alumni Partner shoutout is William D. Hardie M.D. ’85. Dr. Hardie is a pediatric pulmonologist and a professor of pediatrics, division of pulmonary medicine, having worked at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center since 1990! He treats general pediatric…

Duplicating Closed Today, Nov. 15

The duplicating department is closed Nov. 15, but the staff mailroom will be open until 4 pm. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Jill Kerins Contact: Jill Kerins at

OWU Podcast Recommendations

Those looking for a new podcast should try listening to “How I Built This” from NPR. This podcast is hosted by Guy Raz and dives into the stories behind some of the world’s best-known companies with the innovators, entrepreneurs, and…

Send a kind message through the Circle K Kindness Campaign!

Circle K is continuing its annual tradition of a Kindness Campaign for exchanging uplifting messages around campus this year! Fill out a Google Form to send messages to students, faculty, and staff, or stop by the Hamwill Atrium 11/8, 11/9,…

Inaugural Ohio Wesleyan Biology Department Shirt Sale

The OWU Biology Board would like to introduce our inaugural shirt sale. There are multiple color options available in the tri-blend t-shirts and crewneck sweatshirts. All apparel is unisex. Order through the website and orders will be distributed on campus…

First 100 Students at 4pm OWU Soccer Game Admitted Free

The first 100 OWU students at the 4 pm soccer game will be admitted for free! Come out and support the team as they battle Knox College Friday at 4 pm. Ticket Cost: First 100 OWU Students: FREE Adults: $8…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

SLUSH SAGE! Application Now Open!

Apply now to the Sexuality and Gender Equity Small Living Unit! We fight for the rights of all marginalized groups, with a primary focus on LGBTQIA+ issues. If you are looking for a safe queer space on campus check us…

Feb. 21-24 – SEAL & Circle K Change Drive

Have spare change rolling around? Want to support People In Need Inc. through service? Stop by Ham Atrium anytime between the times listed to donate! Tues. 2/21 & Thurs.2/23: 5-7pm Weds. 2/22 & Fri. 2/24: 1-4pm Additionally, if you’d also like…

Ohio Wesleyan Literary Magazine Accepting Submissions!

It’s that time of year! The Ohio Wesleyan Literary Magazine (OWL) will be accepting submissions from students starting today through March 10th. The OWL is a magazine run and edited by students, and composed of student work. It is released…

Summer 2023 Camp Counselors Wanted for OWjL Camp

OWjL is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a counselor: -Completed college freshman year by June 2023. -Be available June 9-30, 2023. -Apply…

Feb. 9 @ 7 p.m. – Bishops For Accessibility: First Meeting

We are a new on-campus organization that aims to provide a safe space for disabled students and those who are allies to the disabled community. Our purpose is to educate, inform, advocate, and spread awareness about disabilities and issues concerning…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Seeking April Information for OWU Events Calendars

As plans fall into place for spring events open to the general public, please share details for Ohio Wesleyan’s monthly events calendars. Monthly calendars typically are shared with news media, community groups, and local secondary schools on (approx.) the 15th…

Deadline – March 7: StAP Supervisor Proposals

It is now time for faculty and staff to start working on and submitting their Student Assistantship Program (StAP) work proposals. StAP allows faculty, staff, and departments to hire a paid student intern to assist with special event programming and…

March 5 – BigTree Introductory Training

Information Services is providing an open training session on BigTree CMS on Friday, March 16 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The training will be held on Zoom. Learn how to manage your department’s or program’s web presence on our…

University Classifieds

Lost Blue Drawstring Bag

Likely left at Smith dining on the evening of Thursday, Oct. 10. Contains a pineapple-print bag and some keys on a Texas key chain. If found, please email and/or call/text to (832) 497-8551. Contact: Phoebe Lightfoot at

Lost Blue Drawstring Bag

Likely left at Smith dining on the evening of Thursday, October 10th. Contains a pineapple-print bag and some keys on a Texas key chain. If found, please email and/or call/text to (832) 497-8551. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: self Contact: Phoebe Lightfoot at

Lost Something? Check the SIO’s Lost & Found

Please come by if you are missing: -camo backpack -men’s 12 tennis shoes -a gray “Columbus Preparatory Academy” Sweatshirt -a teal North Face sweatshirt -keys with a Lids lanyard -a purple key with a butterfly -a necklace -one silver lining…

Questions? Contact us at