The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
An Advisory from OWU Buildings & Grounds
State-required testing and inspections for campus fire alarms and kitchen hood fire suppression systems will take place in December 2021 and January 2022. Testing times will be from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. See below for buildings affected. The alarm…
Extended Hours for the OWU Libraries
The libraries will have extended hours beginning Monday, 12 For the complete schedule, please visit the libraries’ website at Any changes to our hours will also be found on our website. Please note that during the hours Beeghly is…
An Advisory from OWU Buildings & Grounds
State-required testing and inspections for campus fire alarms and kitchen hood fire suppression systems will take place in December 2021 and January 2022. Testing times will be from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. See below for buildings affected. The alarm…
Deadline for receiving packages in Student Mailroom
Please make sure that all packages ordered are received by December 16th. Anything received after that date we can not guarantee will be processed. Any packages not processed will be held until January 3rd. The student mailroom will be closed…
Dec. 12 at 5pm – Come Hear Work By Student Playwrights!
The Playwriting class has been hard at work writing ten-minute plays this semester, and this weekend, you can come to hear them! There will be a staged reading of collected ten-minute plays by the class this Sunday, December 12th, at…
Dec. 12 – Symphony Concert to Feature OWU Staff Member as Soloist
When the Central Ohio Symphony presents its annual holiday concerts at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Dec. 12 in Gray Chapel, a Bishop will be taking the stage as the featured soloist. Soprano Angel Victoria Tyler is a member of…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
March 23 @ 5 p.m. – Changing the Language of Addiction
Stop by the House of Linguistic Diversity on Thursday, March 23rd at 5 PM to learn about stigmatizing language in regards to addiction and recommended language shifts. This house project will provide an introduction to the principles of harm reduction, a set…
NEW Transcript Articles!
Want to read about the happenings on campus? Want to hear from students on OWU issues? Read The Transcript! We are a student-run online publication, and we post new articles every Monday. Find our website here. Check out our Instagram @transcriptowu for more…
March 24 @ 7 p.m. – Sex Positive Bingo in Benes Rooms
Stop by the Benes Rooms anytime between 7-9pm for Bingo mixed with exciting sexual wellness-related Kahoot games and demonstrations! Prizes will include- but are not limited to- sex toys and other sexual wellness products!! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Bishop Way…
Legacy Internship Program 2023-2024 – Apply Now
Are you an OWU legacy? If so, we invite you to apply for an on-campus legacy internship for 2023-2024. The student application period is from Tuesday, March 21 – Tuesday, April 4th. The list of available positions and the student…
March 23 @ 6:30 p.m. – The Alpha Course
The Alpha Course is a program that seeks to provide an opportunity to explore the meaning of life and what the Christian faith is through a series of open conversations. All non-Christian and Christian faculty members, staff, and students are…
StAP On-Campus Internships – Apply Now
The Student Assistantship Program (StAP) provides hands-on experiences in a professional setting for Ohio Wesleyan University students who desire to complement their liberal arts education with practical experiences. The StAP program enables students to translate what they have learned in…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
April 1 Blackboard Updates for Ultra Courses
Among lots of bug fixes, coming April 1 to OWU Blackboard Learn: In the Ultra Course View, Bb is pleased to announce the inclusion of a highly requested feature: conditional release by users and groups. From this version on, Instructors…
Please Complete Anonymous HEDS Sexual Assault Prevention Campus Climate Survey
We are asking all faculty and staff to complete the HEDS Sexual Assault Prevention Campus Climate survey. Your answers are anonymous and will help OWU to learn: Additional education programs the campus community needs. Points in our response processes or…
Re-Educating Students In 12 Days
This is a form for staff members who are interested in educating the students of OWU about the history of protest, discussions on the discrimination against POC and LGBTQIA+ community, or the meaning of pronouns and gender. I am looking…
University Classifieds
Lost Wallet – If Found Please Contact Me
A wallet belonging to OWU student Ali Farooqui was lost on 11/6/2019, near Edwards Gymnasium. If found, please email or, or turn it into Public Safety. The contents of the wallet include a driver license that will verify him…
Lost Keys on a Red Lanyard
Hello, I have lost my keys. They are on a red lanyard and there should be about 6 keys on the lanyard along with a beaded giraffe and a clear card holder. Please contact me if you know where they…
Car Needed for Driving Test
I’m looking for someone who can let me borrow their car to practice driving and to take the driving test with. I’m willing to pay! Contact at 740-602-7870 or OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Self Contact: Lailabano Ibrahim at
Questions? Contact us at