The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Check Out Ohio Wesleyan’s New Interactive Campus Map!

Introducing Ohio Wesleyan’s newly improved campus map, now live at Our new map features eye-catching illustrations of campus buildings and walking paths designed to help everyone navigate campus. You are able to customize your view using the legend to highlight…

Jan. 14 – PowerCampus and Self-Service Scheduled Maintenance

PowerCampus and Self-Service will be unavailable on Friday, Jan. 14, 2022, from 7:45 am – 8:35 am for scheduled system maintenance. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Registrar’s Office. Contact: Michele Kibler at

Adjusted Library Hours

Beeghly Library will be closing at 10 pm today, Thursday, and Sunday of this week. Regular hours are expected to resume, Monday, Jan. 17. The Bashford Lounge area will resume after-hours access on Jan. 12 and remain available for use…

Who is That Masked Bishop?

We hope it’s you – and all of us! Remember to wear a facial covering over your nose and under your chin at all times when in public areas, including community spaces in residential facilities. We also recommend that you…

Ohio Wesleyan Mourns the Passing of Lou Simpson ’58

OWU alumnus Lou Simpson passed away Jan. 8 in Chicago. His contributions to Ohio Wesleyan include a $2 million gift in 2013 to create The Louis A. Simpson ’58 Endowed Faculty Director of The Woltemade Center for Economics, Business and…

Duplicating Closed Dec. 18-Jan. 10

Duplicating will be closed from December 18 until January 10. Please plan accordingly. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Duplicating. Contact: Jill Kerins at

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Apply to CAH Today!

The Creative Arts House still has open spots for the 2023-2024 school year! If you are passionate about the arts and still need a place to live, apply to the house! Application OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Creative Arts House Contact: Sonia Levin…

Interested in the New Public Health Major?

Are you interested in the new OWU Public Health major that is set to launch in fall 2023? The OWU Public Health Program will be holding an information session on Wednesday March 29th from 12-1pm in Merrick Hall Room 204.…

March 25 @ 8 p.m. – Theta Alpha Phi presents: Play in a Day

Theta Alpha Phi is presenting Play in a Day this Saturday, March 25 at 8 pm in the Studio Theatre in Chappelear Drama Center! Come watch student artists celebrate their creation of short plays! All work, from concept to performance,…

Ramadan Iftars

The Muslim Student Association at Ohio Wesleyan, Tauheed, is excited to invite you to join us for Iftars during the holy month of Ramadan. We will be providing Halal food for Iftars (first-come, first-serve basis), every other day throughout the month of Ramadan, and would be honored to…

Exhibit Reception With Artists This Sunday

Mark your calendars for the closing reception of the museum’s two current exhibits on Sunday, March 26 from 2-4pm. Come meet the wonderful local artists behind Black Palimpsest: Jared Thorne and Ohio Imprint: Dick Arentz & Brian Harnetty and enjoy seeing friends and colleagues.…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

April 6 – Teaching Circle

Teaching Circle Re-Engaging Students in Class Discussion Tues, April 6 at 12:20-1:15 It’s been a long year and a tough semester. Students are tired. We are tired. How do we shake things up to re-engage students? Learn about quick techniques…

April 6 – BigTree Introductory/Review Training

Information Services is providing an open training session on BigTree CMS on Tuesday, April 6, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. The training will be held on Zoom. Learn how to manage your department’s or program’s presence on our OWU website.…

Re-Educating Students In 12 Days

This is a form for staff members who are interested in educating the students of OWU about the history of protest, discussions on the discrimination against POC and LGBTQIA+ community, or the meaning of pronouns and gender. I am looking…

University Classifieds

FOUND: JLab Wireless Earbud Headphones

On Saturday, November 23, we found a JLab Audio: JBuds Air True Wireless Earbud Headphones case (with only one earbud inside) on the brick pathway next to Sturges Hall. To claim it, please contact the Office of Admission. We would…

FOUND: JLab Wireless Earbud Headphones

On Saturday, November 23, we found a JLab Audio: JBuds Air True Wireless Earbud Headphones case (with only one earbud inside) on the brick pathway next to Sturges Hall. To claim it, please contact the Office of Admission. We would…

FOUND: JLab Wireless Earbud Headphones

On Saturday, November 23, we found a JLab Audio: JBuds Air True Wireless Earbud Headphones case (with only one earbud inside) on the brick pathway next to Sturges Hall. To claim it, please contact the Office of Admission. We would…

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