The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Extended Hours for the OWU Libraries

The libraries will have extended hours beginning Monday, 12 For the complete schedule of extended hours, please visit the libraries’ website at Any changes to our hours will also be found on our website. Please note that during the…

Protect Birds from Windows – Dec. 3 Tabling in Ham-Wil

I will be talking about bird collisions with windows and how to prevent them from happening while also handing out bird decals. Bird tabling: Date: 2021-12-03. Time: Noon – 4 p.m. Location: Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, Atrium. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Treehouse.…

OWU Art Hop Dec. 3-5 & 7-8

The OWU Art Hop, highlighting Ohio Wesleyan’s Departments of Fine Arts and Performing Arts and the Richard M. Ross Art Museum, will include the following events: Dec. 3, 4:30-8 p.m. – OWU art student exhibition, in the Werner Gallery inside…

OWU Podcast of the Week: Practically Social

Anybody trying to find something to listen to on their drives or during work should check out “Practically Social”. Co-Hosted by OWU alumni, Jeffrey Davis, this podcast includes interesting interviews, conversations, and advice about PR, social media, and podcasting. You…

Protect Birds from Windows – Dec. 3 Tabling in Ham-Wil

I will be talking about bird collisions with windows and how to prevent them from happening while also handing out bird decals. Bird tabling: Date: 2021-12-03. Time: Noon – 4 p.m. Location: Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, Atrium. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Treehouse.…

Help Tri Delta Raise 3K in 24 Hours

Starting at 9 am on Thursday, December 2, Tri Delta will be hosting a 3K in a Day fundraiser to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Last year we beat our goal by $100 and this year we…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Feb. 20 – Fall 2023 Study Away Applications Due

If you are planning to study off-campus this fall, please stop by the IOCP office in Slocum Hall 311 and speak to a mentor. You can also visit our Steps to Study Away page online (). Your OWU Leave Application…

Feb. 18 @ Noon – Tree House Van Trip to Koko Sustainable Store

Come join Tree House on a trip to a local sustainable living store, Koko. They offer zero-waste lifestyle products (like tote bags, dryer balls, straws, and refillable makeup/toiletry products) and a refillery where you can fill up on toiletry and cleaning…

Men’s Rugby Is Looking For New Members

The men’s OWU Rugby Club is looking for new members, all experience levels are welcome. We will be having practice MWF from 4-6 pm until spring break. Contact Winter Jones at for more information. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Rugby Club Contact:…

Feb. 16 @ Noon – Fidget Toy Giveaway: SEAL SLU Project!

Join me for my SEAL SLU house project at the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Atrium, from 12-1 pm to learn more about Fidget Toys and their benefits to the community. Stop by and take one home! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Service Engagement…

Student Organizations: Register for the OWU Summit by Feb. 20!

The spring student organization retreat, the OWU Summit, is Saturday, Feb. 25, from 10 am – 3 pm in the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. Each organization must send 2 members from their organization to stay within Good Standing with the Student Involvement…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

12 Days of 12th Night Participation

Hello, my name is Vero and I am a freshman. I am the community outreach head for the Theatre & Dance Department. This year the department will be putting on “Twelfth Night, 2020 changing the original text to an LGBTQIA+…

University Classifieds

Looking for Apartment Roommate for Spring 2020

I am looking for a roommate for spring semester (January-May) since my current roommate is leaving at the end of this semester. It is a 2-bedroom (fairly large) apt.  in downtown Delaware with furniture and appliances being left by my…

Questions? Contact us at