The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

TODAY, 5-6 PM – ‘Sense of Belonging’ with Rosemary Ketchum

“Sense of Belonging” with Rosemary Ketchum TODAY (Thursday, Jan. 27) from 5-6 pm in the Benes Rooms! SAGE welcomes Rosemary Ketchum who will be hosting a presentation & workshop on finding a sense of belonging. Ketchum is a councilwoman representing…

Please Take the Custodial Service Department Survey

The Custodial Service Department is conducting its quarterly survey to better understand your level of satisfaction with our work here on campus. This survey is the Q4 survey representing October, November, and December. The results are reviewed by ABM management…

New York Arts Program on Campus Feb. 1-3!

New York Arts Program faculty and staff will be on campus from February 1st-3rd. Now is your chance to learn more about what a semester interning in the arts in NYC is all about! Join us for one (or more!)…

TOMORROW – ‘Sense of Belonging’ with Rosemary Ketchum

“Sense of Belonging” with Rosemary Ketchum TOMORROW (Thursday, Jan. 27) from 5-6 pm in the Benes Rooms! SAGE welcomes Rosemary Ketchum who will be hosting a presentation & workshop on finding a sense of belonging. Ketchum is a councilwoman representing…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Last Day – Literary Awards

ATTN:  ALL students! Submission time  is now open for the 2023 Literary Awards! Your chance to WIN  BIG has begun! Not an English Major or Minor? No problem, competition is open to ALL students! Please see the English Department’s Student Awards website ()…

Wellness Week, FREE Chair Massage

Feeling tense or stressed? Need a break? Counseling Services is sponsoring FREE Chair Massage (sign-up sheet available on sight, first come, first serve) on Tuesday, March 28th, 11am-1pm as a part of Wellness Week. Massage therapy has been shown to…

Join the Moot Court Team

Thinking of a career in law? Or just like to argue? Join the Moot Court team. Excellent for developing skills in public speaking, analyzing issues from a variety of perspectives, and working in a team setting. OWU’s moot court team…


The Service Engagement & Leadership (SEAL) House is still accepting applications for the 2023-2024 academic year! Our mission is to equip and encourage those passionate about service to mobilize and lead the OWU community to service for the transformation of…

March 28 @ 4:10 p.m. – Open Advising for the Neuroscience Major

Need help navigating the Neuroscience major? Have questions about which neuroscience courses to take next year? Join Drs. Bailey and Vadnie for Crumbl cookies and academic advising on Tuesday 3/28 @ 4:10pm in Phillips 009 to get answers. Start Time:…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

School Supply Drive for Columbus Bilingual Academy with LA CASA

LA CASA is collecting school supplies (notebooks, pencils, pocket folders, etc.) and sanitation supplies (hand sanitizer, wipes, etc.) for the Columbus Bilingual Academy from Monday, April 19 to Friday, April 30. Look for supply boxes in Hamwil, Merrick, and in…

University Classifieds

Workers Needed for Track & Field Meet

We’re looking for work-study students for the home track & field meet on Friday, Feb. 14. Time slots available between 4:30 pm and 9:00 pm. A variety of positions are available. Please contact Asst. T&F Coach Ben Carlson at…

Student job opening!

Looking for a student worker to help sort books in my office library prior to retirement. Work on your own web-accessible laptop if feasible. Familiarity with Consort and OhioLink helpful, hours flexible, pay negotiable. Deadline: Feb 14. Contact Prof. Neuman…

Student job opening!

Looking for a student worker to help sort books in my office library prior to retirement. Work on your own web-accessible laptop if feasible. Familiarity with Consort and OhioLink helpful, hours flexible, pay negotiable. Deadline: Feb 14. Contact Prof. Neuman…

Questions? Contact us at