The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Congratulations, Sigma Beta Delta Members!

Congratulations to Salman Ahmad, Katie Doiron, and Alyssa Kassebaum! These students are the newest members of Sigma Beta Delta. Sigma Beta Delta recognizes academic achievement among students in the fields of business, management, and administration. Again, congratulations on all your…

CANCELED – Drag Show and Talk

Please note this event is canceled. The Chaplain’s Office is pleased to welcome Ms. Penny Cost (she/her/hers) to the Bishop Cafe on  April 23, at 1 pm for her presentation of “Drag-tivism: When Queer Revolution Meets Holy Reformation.” Ms. Cost…

Campus Trade Store – April 20 @ 5-6 PM

Tree House, the environmentally themed SLU, is hosting a campus trade store in the HWCC atrium on Wednesday this week in collaboration with May Moove Out. Come bring in clothes you’ve been wanting to shed and exchange them for new,…

April 21 – Student Symposium in Merrick Hall from 4-6

From stress in adolescent mice, to ecotourism in Iceland, to a day at the zoo — come hear all the ways fellow Bishops have thought big, gone global, and got real through faculty-guided research, Theory-to-Practice Grants, and internships. The spring…

April 23 – OWU A Cappella Groups Perform at Boardman Arts Park

Join your friends at Boardman Arts Park (across from Smith Hall) for an OWU A Cappella concert from 2-4 p.m. April 23. Groups scheduled to perform include the OWtsiders, Pitch Black, JayWalkers, and Go Four Broke. Popcorn will be available,…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

April 27 @ 11:30 a.m. – COMM End of Year Celebration!

It’s that time again! We are hosting the End of Year Celebration on April 27 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in Merrick 301! There will be awards given and lunch is provided. Hope to see you there! If you have a…

April 26-May 5 – COMM Book Drive!

Do you own any Communication textbooks that you don’t need after this semester? Come to Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Atrium and donate to the Comm Book Drive! The books will go to our library in Phillips Hall. There will be a…

Day on the JAY and President’s Ball Accessible Meal Service Option

For students who have accessibility concerns and for whom the buffet-style lunch service on the JAYwalk creates significant barriers, a limited number of grab-and-go style lunches will be made available at Marketplace, with pre-order only for Day on the JAY.…

Enhancing All Ohio Wesleyan Dining Halls

I am doing my best to make a difference here on campus in regards to getting the best quality food on campus, so that we can improve students’ health and happiness, lower the impact on the environment, and promote more…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Aug. 5 Blackboard Updates for Ultra Courses

Here are highlights of the upcoming Blackboard release: Support for hyperlinks in the calendar location field: Instructors can link any virtual tool of their choice in the calendar event, and students can launch the virtual session from the calendar itself.…

Seeking Aug./Sept. Information for OWU Events Calendars

As plans fall into place for spring events open to the general public, please share details for Ohio Wesleyan’s monthly events calendars. Monthly calendars typically are shared with news media, community groups, and local secondary schools on (approx.) the 15th…

July 2021 Central Receiving Hours

Central Receiving will be operating with the following hours through July 30, 2021: • Monday July 26, 2021: 8am – 3pm • Tuesday July 27, 2021: 8am – 3pm • Wednesday July 28, 2021: 8am – 4pm • Thursday July…

University Classifieds

Lost Earring

I lost my earring in the grass between Bashford and Thompson Wednesday night! It’s a medium sized thin, gold, textured hoop. If anyone finds it, please contact me! 🙂 OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: self Contact: Hayley Clark at

Pan or Ace Pride Stuff

If you are pansexual and/or asexual, I have a couple things I’ve been looking to get rid of but don’t want to throw away. Pan: Large flag, “Poleaxe Pan” pin, small pan flag pin. Ace: two (2) large flags, small…

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