The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Oct. 4 @ 7:30 p.m. – Milligan Leaders in Business Lecture

Milligan Leaders in Business Lecture Series Topic: Entrepreneurship: Are YOU built to scale? October 4, 2022, at 7:30 PM Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Benes Rooms Dawn Dickson is a serial entrepreneur and inventor with over 20 years of experience in technology…

Sept. 8 @ 4:10 p.m. – WordPress Intro/Refresher Training

Information Services presents a technical training introducing the WordPress content management system, this Thursday, at 4:10 p.m. It will be taught by David Soliday and take place on Zoom. WordPress is open source software you can use to create a…

Sept. 20 – Butler A. Jones Lecture Returns to Campus!

The 28th Butler A. Jones Lecture on Race and Society proudly welcomes Nina Turner, groundbreaking Ohio politician and former co-chair of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign. She will present her talk titled, “The Hook-Up: How Race and Class are Soulmates for Life.”…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Responses Needed! Invisible Disability Survey

For my SOAN 279 (Research Methods) class, I am studying the experience of students with invisible disabilities here at OWU. I need as many responses as possible to my anonymous survey for my research. The survey should not take more…

Fill Out This Computer Science/Programming Club Interest Form!

Please fill out this interest form if you’d be interested in being involved in a computer science/programming club on campus. The purpose of this club would be to build a stronger sense of community and create more engagement around us! OWU…

The Student Health Center Summer Hours

The Student Health Center will be closed starting May 5 and will reopen on May 23 for summer hours. If you need to pick up any of your allergy or other personal medications, you will need to come to the…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Sept. 2 @ 12pm – Join a Writing Group!

Are you interested in joining a Writing Group? Writing groups are designed to support faculty and staff in making progress on their scholarly projects. We initiated this program last semester, and evaluations were very positive. For example, one faculty member…

Bishops of Color and Mosaic Events coming soon!

Faculty and Staff who would like to be added to the email lists for Bishops of Color and/or Mosaic, please send an email to Dawn Chisebe: as we will begin our semester gatherings soon! These spaces have been created…

Seeking October Information for OWU Events Calendars

As plans fall into place for spring events open to the general public, please share details for Ohio Wesleyan’s monthly events calendars. Monthly calendars typically are shared with news media, community groups, and local secondary schools on (approx.) the 15th…

University Classifieds

Tutoring Opportunity

Seeking a tutor for a 14-year-old boy who is a freshman at Delaware Hayes. Days: Monday and Tuesday. Preferred time: Between 9 am and 1 pm, but we are flexible. Amount of time: 2 hours max per day. Pay: $20…

Tutoring Opportunity

Seeking a tutor for a 14-year-old boy who is a freshman at Delaware Hayes. Days: Monday and Tuesday. Preferred time: Between 9 am and 1 pm, but we are flexible. Amount of time: 2 hours max per day. Pay: $20…

WGS 110 Tutor Needed!

Sagan Academic Resource Center (ARC) seeks energetic and enthusiastic students interested in tutoring WGS 110 for the remainder of the Fall semester. Students must be in at least their second year at OWU and must provide a recommendation letter from…

Questions? Contact us at