The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

SAGE Is Looking for a New Member!

The Sexuality and Gender Equality House is looking for a new member to move in this fall! S.A.G.E takes an intersectional perspective to address gender, feminist and LGBTQ+ issues on campus and in the greater community. We seek to educate,…

WCSA (Student Government) has Vacancies!

WCSA (your student government) has 5 vacancies for this semester: 4 Senators and 1 SIAC (Student Inclusion Advocacy Committee) Representative. Senator Responsibilities: Attend Full Senate meetings each Monday at 12:05 p.m. and a committee meeting once a week (committee meeting…

GO! OWU Leadership Conference – Time for Clubs to Register!

Attention Campus Club/Organization Student-Leaders: GO! is a workshop that provides student leaders with campus updates, “how to” information. Attendance at GO! is necessary for your club to be in ‘good standing’ and receive the benefits of that status (i.e. receive…

Aug. 31 – Auditions for the Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon

Once upon a time in the Chappelear Drama Center… Various fairy tales were taken and smashed together to try and create one massive story. The results? Nothing good (aside from a hilariously goofy play)! The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon is a…

Aug. 30 – Learn More About Greek Life at Meet the Greeks!

Come and enjoy Dan’s Deli (free to unaffiliated men and women), bubble soccer and a giant inflatable dart board at Meet the Greeks! Each Greek organization will be present with information on chapters and recruitment! The event is Thurs., Aug. 30…

Today – Learn about Fall Externship Career Opportunities

Consider a 2018 Fall Bishop Externship Opportunity: EXPLORE a career path, ENGAGE with alumni & gain valuable job EXPERIENCE. Destination Location: Career Services is headed to Cincinnati, OH. Spend your fall break (October 10-12) exploring a career or industry of…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

University Classifieds

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