The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Mortar Board Nominations – Due Feb. 17

Reminder that Mortar Board nominations are still open! Nominate a junior or senior by 11:59 pm February 17! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Mortar Board Contact: Megan Hatfield at

CPB is Looking for Student and Faculty Performers

CPB is looking for performers to showcase in an upcoming event on March 4! Talents of all kinds are welcome, and performances can be solos, duets, or group acts! If interested, please email us at by Feb. 15 with an…

Friendly Reminder – Admission Guest/Visitor Spaces

Friendly reminder to all faculty, students, and staff to not park in the designated Admission Guest/Visitor parking spots in the Edwards Gymnasium parking lot on Mondays – Fridays from 8:30 a.m.- 3 p.m. AND on Saturdays between 8:30 a.m. –…

Moving the Needle Updates Now Online

We continue to make progress on our cross campus collaborations on “Moving the Needle” to improve on the student experience and student success! The latest updates on the work of Moving the Needle from each of our four module teams…

Feb. 8 @ 4:15 p.m. – Professor David Eye Memorial Event

The Ohio Wesleyan Department of English in conjunction with the Chaplain’s Office invites all students, staff, and faculty to a memorial Celebration of Life event honoring beloved poet, professor, and colleague David Eye. This event will be held on Wednesday,…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Celebrate Fat Bear Week with Treehouse

Fat Bear Week is the annual celebration of the fat reserves that brown bears put on before they go into hibernation. Each year, the National Park Service hosts a tournament bracket where the public will vote on which bear they…

Biological Sciences Faculty Evaluations

Are you a biological sciences major or minor? The Biology Student Board is evaluating faculty members for the 2023-2024 academic year and collecting student feedback on professors. Click the link to fill out the anonymous survey and select which professor…

Oct. 5 @ 4:10 p.m. – Career Talk: Research & Health-Related Careers

Students interested in research-oriented careers, careers related to health and public health, qualitative methodology, and/or learning more about health-related inequalities should join us: Dr. Valerie Chepp: Research & Health-Related Careers Thursday, Oct. 5 4:10-5 p.m. Elliott Hall 4th-Floor Lounge (free…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Interested in the Google for Education Pilot Program?

OWU has previously participated in the Google for Education Pilot Program and we have been invited to join it more broadly. The goal of the program is to provide K12 and Higher Ed institutions early access to products and features…

Nov. 16 – OWU Systems Intro Training and Q&A

Information Services is providing an open training session on the systems we use on Nov. 16 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The training will be held in the Corns Building, Room 109. We all use computer systems to work…

University Classifieds

Scrunchies for Sale!

Hi Bishops! I am selling hair scrunchies to help cover my graduation expenses. You can view what I have available here:  $3 each $10 for 4. I can ship them for $.50 per 2 scrunchies or drop them off in…

FOUND – Camera lens near University Hall

On Saturday, May 1, I found a camera lens on campus. If you think this may be your lens, please email Anna Scholle at with the identification of the lens (brand, size) to claim, and we can work out a time…

Become a Bishop Ambassador Today!

What is a Bishop Ambassador? Bishop Ambassadors are students who are paid to give tours of campus, write postcards to prospective students, generate ideas for social media content on the OWU Admission Instagram, greet families when they arrive to campus,…

Questions? Contact us at