The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
March 22 – Oh-Weekend Open Mic Night
The Student Involvement Office and the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs are partnering in an Oh-Weekend event. The Open Mic Night: Share your Story, is a safe space in which you can sing a song, read a poem, perform a…
Enter the Green Week Student Art Show!
All majors are encouraged to submit artwork! The theme for the art is “The art in the environment”. All forms of physical artwork are being accepted as long as they relate to the theme in some way. All submissions must…
Postgraduate Job Opportunity – Office of the President
Graduating Seniors – The Office of the President will again be offering a one-year, paid, full-time postgraduate internship starting in June 2019 and continuing through June 2020. This unique position will provide the selected individual with the opportunity to gain…
March 20 and 21 – Attention Clubs/Orgs: REQUIRED Budget Management System Training!
OrgSync Budget Management System training will hold two sessions. If you are a club or organization that requests funding from WCSA, your treasurer is required to attend ONE (1) of the sessions. Attendance will be taken. Please attend either Wed.,…
ATTENTION Organizations: Volunteers Needed for the 2019 Delaware County Fair
The Delaware County Fair is looking for volunteer organizations for the upcoming fair which runs Sept. 14-21 (Saturday to Saturday). We are looking for organizations that would either run a gate (taking admission fees, tearing tickets, stamping outbound guests and…
March 20 – The World Awaits: Food, Career Advice and Study Abroad Tips!
Please attend this FABULOUS and DELICIOUS Modern Foreign Languages event: “The World Awaits: An Evening of Food, Career Advice, and Study Abroad Tips!” on March 20 at 4:00 p.m., 3rd floor of Merrick. Chef Shawnie Kelley will serve Mediterranean tapas!…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
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