The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

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Student News & Events


Sign up now for intramural dodgeball at! Registration closes on October 16 at midnight. First games will start Monday, October 21. Games will be played Monday and Wednesday at Edwards gym between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. You need…

YOGA for Your Mental Health

Yoga for Your Mental Health is every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 5:15-6:15 p.m. in the Chapel on third floor of Hamilton Williams Campus Center. Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress,…

TODAY @ 7 p.m. – Social Justice 101

Interested in social justice? Learn how to be an activist! Come to the social justice presentation with interactive activities and discussion today, Sept 30, from 7-8 p.m. at the House of Peace and Justice. Hope to see you there! OWU…

Oct. 2 @ NOON – Internship Spotlight: The Philadelphia Center

Did you know that The Philadelphia Center has a bank of over 900 internships?! Check out The Philadelphia Center lobby table in Ham-Wil atrium from 12:00-1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2. Can’t make it during the lunch hour? TPC will…

Health Tip of the Week

Should you get that Hangover Burger from Hamburger Inn? We’ve all had a rough morning or two. But what’s the best way to get over it? You may want to turn to salt, fat, and grease when you’re feeling the…

Good News – OWU in Tanzania Accepting Students for Spring!

Dear Students: I am happy to inform you that the OWU in Tanzania program has more spots for interested students for Spring 2020. If you are interested in exploring this unique opportunity, please contact Lisa Ho at or me at The…

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