Open Enrollment Benefit Information Sessions Begin May 1!

2024-2025 Open Enrollment for benefit-eligible employees is May 1-19!

Benefit information sessions will be presented by Human Resources and the McGohan-Brabender team to inform employees about the 2024-2025 OWU healthcare plans and benefit offerings available beginning July 1. Join us at one of the informative sessions to learn how to maximize your benefits.

There will be six (6) benefit information sessions beginning with virtual sessions on Wednesday, May 1, at noon and 4 p.m. On May 2, two (2) in-person sessions at Merrick 301 at noon (session 1) and 1 p.m.(session 2) – light refreshments will be served. Finally, on May 14 (Tuesday) & May 15 (Wednesday), we will wrap up with a virtual session at noon on each of those days as follows:

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Human Resources Office
Contact: Elizabeth Foos at