Oct. 26 & 28 – Halloween Costume Swap

Donate your old costumes and grab a new one at the OWU Halloween Costume Swap! Do you have previously worn Halloween costumes that you no longer wear? Costume pieces such as hats, props, or masks that you no longer use? Donate them to the Campus Halloween Costume Swap hosted by Tree House. Browse through gently used costumes donated by students/faculty and grab a costume for yourself!

Where and When: Atrium of Hamilton-Williams Campus Center on Oct. 26, 1:30-3:30 pm and Oct. 28, 2:30-4:30 pm

Can’t make it to the event, but want to donate? Email Carly Sanders (cmsanders@owu.edu) to set up a time to drop by Tree House. Costumes remaining at the end of the week will be donated to Out of the Closet in Columbus.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Tree House
Contact: Carly Sanders at cmsanders@owu.edu