Oct. 20 @ 6 p.m. – Model UN Meeting

OWU Model UN has not been operation for some time, but it starts again. Every Thursday at 6 pm, we will meet in Crider Lounge on the 2nd floor of HWCC. This Thursday’s meeting is the first one this semester, so we will not practice and discuss some housekeeping issues. We plan to participate in a (local/national/international) Model UN conference every semester and are recruiting new members. Anyone who is interested in this club is welcome to attend and meet our new leaders. If you need more info, please contact: Digvijay Tekade (ddtekade@owu.edu), president/Giorgi Bediashvili (ggbediashvili@owu.edu), vice president/Shlok Mundhra (smundhra@owu.edu), secretary/Prof. Ji Young Choi (jychoi@owu.edu), an advisor.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Model UN
Contact: Ji Young Choi at jychoi@owu.edu